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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Why have they not seized LC

Re: Why have they not seized LC

posted on Oct 29, 2009 08:33PM

Ray, I shouldn't respond because you won't listen, but I'll try.

The quote you reference I recanted because I could not find a source. It was something that had been posted on Yahoo years back and had sources but I don't have the energy or desire to look. So I responded that I could not support that statement and recanted. However, the reason I posted the PR on the appointment of Paris to KRY board was to respond to your assertion that he was just a casual aquiantance of KRY. He WAS considered to be the mastermind behind the coup and whether or not KRY endorsed him after the coup or not I cannot believe it would escape Chavez's mind that Paris was on the KRY BOD.

Never-the-less you latched onto a side note rather than the meat of my post. I was trying to look at WHY VZ has such an apparent dislike for KRY. You can't believe that despite all the stories and quotes from Chavez down to Herrara that are anti-Kry that VZ still thinks we are the model partner, do you?

Still, that doesn't change my position that VZ knows they must deal with KRY's contract. They have been careful on their part and have not stepped out of line in the actions (words don't matter to VZ). As The_Vet said, I think VZ wants us out but it is easier if we leave firts. It just comes down to whether we can make our arb threat real.

I know you dislike me but in your posts you did not offer any facts of your own. You just insulted me and accused me of libel and slander. (Which by the way is kind of nonsense since Libel is written intentional false statements which cause damage and slander is spoken intentional false statements). Not sure how a blog post can be consindered spoken.

If you have facts of your own that counter mine I welcome them and I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong. But if all you want to do is insult me then we have no reason to discuss anything and I will no longer respond to insult posts.

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