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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Timing of takeovers?

yup...what he said...

vet, i'm getting the impression that the iranians/africans have no cash...they're out..imo

the chinese dont trust hugo enough to make the deal...they're out

the only ones left are the russians and that relationship seems a little rocky to me...the russians may have cut a deal with hugo but it seems like they are starting to play hardball...

it makes perfect sense for hugo to draw this thing out....

to some extent it seems kry has been following grz step by step thru this process (only a couple weeks later)...the question is (aside from the finances) is kry using grz as a guinea pig to see what hugo's tactics will be? or does kry actually believe they have a deal worked out, that may have actually required grz to file before implementing...in any case i really get the impression the russians started this fiasco back in the polyus days...this is one tangled web...

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