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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Timing of takeovers?


Good day! I have read many of your numerous postings with interest.

There is much to be gleaned from your postings and I appreciate your input. I would however suggest EZ that you don't right off the Russians, not just yet anyway! Some of the more dynamic and forward thinking mining companies are Russian. In terms of oil and nat.gas, Russian companies have made a significant capital investment in the Carabobo and Orinoco belts and through Gazprombank funds are going to be made to back up exports - this part we know for sure and I suspect it won't be counterfeit.

I'm now close to 1 million shares at crazy low pricing and look forward to the upcoming JV announcement.

Going belly-up is not an option under consideration at KRY (not at the Billions of USD at stake here) All the talk, even at these low prices of such is absurd.

Once you start to see 'feelers' in the freight market for non-conventional cargo Houston-Puerto Ordaz you start to feel a bit better!



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