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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Dear lanvestor

Dear lanvestor

posted on Oct 29, 2009 05:07PM

Your position is pefectly reasonable and I don't understand why anyone feels the need to harass you for defending it.

Plan A is to mine the gold, alone, in a JV or whatever.

Plan B is to get bought out.

Plan C is to go to arbitration and get whatever we can.

Given our cash situation and the absolute lack of any evidence that either A or B is imminent we desperately need some reassurance that we have the means to implement Plan C.

VZ also needs to know that going to arbitration is a very real possibility.

Personally, I think that Hugo regards LC and LB as his own Fort Knox. VZ doesn't need to mine the gold. It's not going anywhere. They can sit and wait for the value of the combined resource to appreciate to 100 billion or a trillion or whatever (if you believe Sinclair etc.) and use that to back up their currency. So what if VZ gets wacked by a judgement of a few billion down the road. Do the math.

KRY needs to show that they can go the distance. VZ has shown repeatedly that they are not afraid to thumb their noses at foreign investors and arbitration is the only recourse we have if they decide to stick it to us as well.

Again lanvestor I want to thank you posting and please don't let anyone discouage you from continuing to demand better communication from our overpaid and underworked executives.

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