Would a company that is interested in another company do everything legally (or not) to keep a pps of that other company at as low of a price as they could?
How would they do this?
Have the gov't intervene? Denial of permit
Have the gov't mention they will take LC? Been there done that last Nov.
Keep the MOC and EIS intact? Doing that - KRY's done their part (social projects complete) and the CVG has acknowledged compliance.
Keep the shareholders in the dark? Have done that for sure lots of selling over the year?
Weaken the shareholders to the point they will take anything? Many shareholders are to that point.
Keep a large amount of shares on the ask during periods of high interest? They do that.
Accumulate as many shares of the company as possible using small trade over extended period of time? Not sure but someone has been buying the sellers to keep the pps at this tight range.
Funny this sounds a lot like KRY and some tired shareholders, orchestrated well and to the T.
Oh and by the way the EIS is still intact also for immediate issuance of the permit in the event of a buyout or merger. There is a reason Minamb approved KRY's proposal Aug08 IMO.