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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Disapointment,... however

Disapointment,... however

posted on Nov 11, 2009 07:28PM

I feel rather let down, to say the least. I, as all here, was hoping for some more positive statements.

After reading through all of the Q3 statements, I came to the conclusion that all is proceeding as normal, into next year. In fact, I came away thinking, why was this Q3 so 'ordinary', or 'straight forward'? So HO-HUM?.......unless......

...... Fung/KRY wants Chavez to get the clear message that they are not going away, and what we have just read is the perfect way to go about it. Fung has shown that KRY has financing 'till March, 2010, is not in imminent danger of Bankruptcy, has the bondholders situation in control, and is in this for the long haul. AS WELL, Fung is saying he is not going to slap Chavez's face with a glove, and file for Arbitration.

This could very well be Fungs way of saying......President Chavez, you can stall all you want, however we are not going to do anything that may negatively affect the MOC, and we are ok for money till end Q1, 2010. If this carries on further, we have more equipment to sell, to get us through to the end of 2010. If you want to mine the largest deposit in VZ ASAP, you CAN NOT wait us out. LETS MAKE A DEAL !!

Maybe, just maybe, Chavez, and or an investor/other company, was hoping to find KRY crippled, to allow them to further pressure us into accepting a lowball buyout.


So, now that Chavez knows this, whatever has been in the works could just happen soon.

I know, I'm the eternal optimist. <;}

Just me looking for the 'bright' side.


Nov 11, 2009 07:34PM
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