This is absolute HS (horse....) in my opinion. Tell your owners/shareholders what the F is going on....enough with the guessing games and inudendos of a process...we have gone along with this in good faith for long enough. As I have said before there are alot bigger market cap companies that release information that they are in merger or aquisition don't feed me this crap...that commenting on this may hurt negotiations.....if the asset is worth X...they will pay X no matter what information the company makes public. Our PR has said nothing for months/years.....this is a joke...time to s*ite or get off the pot........enough is enough.. The BODs main objective is suppose to be to maximze shareholder wealth.....they haven't done that...we have been at .25 cents for months now now in an ever increasing gold market. We have been paying your salaries for years now...get on with it.