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Message: Chávez apostatized two years ago of the Marxist theory

Chávez apostatized two years ago of the Marxist theory

posted on Jan 17, 2010 08:09AM
Chávez apostatized two years ago of the Marxist theory
Sunday, 17 of January of 2010

Inescapable subjects of the Venezuelan present situation as the electrical crisis and the devaluation of the bolivar were boarded by Chávez, in the special session of an, where it assumed that it would present/display a balance of his governmental management of the 2009. The tribune served so that the agent chief executive went deep in his new Marxist ideological revelation as and would announce measures in economic matter.

Caesar Noriega Branches

The President maintained that in spite of the economic crisis the country presents/displays good indices in the matter of use and of reduction of poverty. Photo courtesy Presidential Press
The memory speech and counts of the governmental management during the 2009 was signed by references to the plans of the national Executive for the 2010, more than a detailed balance of the work of the central Government in the preceding year. The serious electrical deficit, the justification of the devaluation of the strong bolivar and the necessity to leave victorious in the legislative elections of this year were central points in the dissertation of Head of State in the parliamentary chamber.

After the customary introduction of the presidency of the National Assembly, exerted by deputy Cilia Flores (PSUV), president Chávez took the word from the tribune from speakers. From the 4:40 of afternoon the presidential speech began, transmitted in chain partially until the 6:30 of afternoon not interrupting the transmissions of the parties of round robin of the baseball, that extended until 9:10 p.m.

The Chief of State shortly after beginning his speech noticed that she would not lose long time speaking of numbers and statistics, and she briefly fulfilled it reviewing some profits in economic and social matter during the 2009. However the world-wide disappointment reflected widely of its new political definition like Marxist or that in his opinion has meant the first year of government of American president Barack Obama.

In theory article 237 of the National Constitution establishes that the President of the Republic must appear personally to ten days of the installation of sessions of the National Assembly to give a message “in which will give account of the political aspects, economic, social and administrative of his management during the immediately previous year”.

Despite having to be constitutional, Chávez made important announcements that will have repercussion in the 2010. Inescapable subjects like the electrical crisis or paliativas measures to the recent devaluation of the national currency, were boarded by national Head of State.

Free of responsibilities
To only a day of to have reverted the plan of electrical rationing in Caracas, the governor extended his explanations of the rectification of the Government in the handling of the electrical crisis. He criticized the execution of the cronogram of you cut of the electrical fluid in Caracas, also had words of reproach to the communicational policy of the public sector of the measures of electrical rationing.

As far as the incognito of whom he will take to the reins of the Ministry of the Electrical Energy after the exit of the executive cabinet of his holder the ex- deputy Angel Rodriguez, Head of State announced that Alí Rodriguez Araque, until the moment minister of Finances, will happen to be in charge of the electrical portfolio. Whereas Jorge Giordani exerts the functions of the ministries of Planning and Economy, whose fusion also decreed president Chávez.

The drought brought about by the phenomenon of “the Boy” is the unique cause of the electrical crisis of the country, emphasized Chávez, although it admitted delays in the construction of power plants. To the divine intervention the head of the State appealed so that rains allow to reclaim the levels of the dam of the Guri, added that she has confidence that the country will surpass the power deficit and questioned that “the enemy” bets to the collapse.

Between the measures to take care of the crisis electrical national Head of State outlined some actions that involve the basic companies of Guayana. President Chávez pronounced itself on the convenience of which the state industries of the zone count on generating electrical own, in addition exhorted to the great deprived companies to install independent electrical plants of the national network.

He referred that he negotiates with Russia the purchase of electrical plants of fast operation that could contribute up to 400 megavatios of electricity and promised the arrival of these units in a period of eight weeks.

Nonexistent devaluation
President Chávez strived to present/display to the country the devaluation of the strong bolivar in front of the American dollar like a “re-evaluation”. He explained that he enters the economic objectives of the national Government, is the reduction of the differential between the parallel dollar, whose price determines the currency market to it nonregulated, and the oil dollar whose amount the Executive fixed to Bs.F. 4,30 by American dollar.

In spite of the undergone economic contraction during the 2009, Chávez defended that in the middle of the world-wide recession in Venezuela unemployment was reduced and social programs were not neglected. In 11 years of government the head of the State emphasized that its administration has lowered the indices of 80% poverty before its arrival to the power to 26.4% at the present moments.

It referred that the improvement of the Venezuelan standard of life certifican organisms like the Program of the United Nations for the Development (the PNUD), that makes the Index of Human Development, in which Venezuela obtains a high classification.

In other profits of social character, Chávez emphasized the advances that has had in nutritional matter. It informed that the Program of Scholastic Feeding exceeded the 4 million students. Generally the availability of nutritional ingestion of the Venezuelan population increased in 2 thousand 700 kilocalories per day. An improvement in the deficit of the nutritional state is reflected that ten years ago was of 22.8% and at present is of 1.7%.

The exhibition of the results in nutritional matter, was complemented with recommendations of president Chávez to reduce of weight.

New eyes for the marxism

In another upset of the political ideology of president Hugo Chavez, within the framework of the balance of management of the 2009 in the National Assembly head of the State autodefinió like Marxist. “I assume For the first time I assume and it, and I when I assume, assume. I assume the marxism. I assume it”, insisted national Head of State from the National Assembly, the admission came off applause the concurred chavista hearing.
Nevertheless the last ideological revelation, contradicts its position with respect to the marxism of only two years ago back. At the end of 2007, a Chávez not-Marxist said “That if the communist party continues making the exposition of the marxism-leninismo, they I are not going there to fight with them. Now the Socialist Party (of Venezuela) is not going to take the flags from the marxism-leninismo, because that is a dogma that already happened. We must create our doctrine, the one that is not in agreement with that, has all freedom, and if it does not want to be here that one goes away to the Communist Party”.
In the rest of its declarations, the Chávez of two years ago back, extends its questionings to the marxism, to consider it an ideology obsolete. The complete video can be observed through following bond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bIl4Uii5GI&feature=related

As polluting as Capitalism

In his speech of management of government during the 2009, president Chávez lashed to the capitalist model like person in charge of the climatic changes that affect the world. He reiterated his warning of the threat that supposes Capitalism for the human Earth life. But according to numbers of international organisms, communist China, close ally to the Venezuelan Government, shares part of the responsibility in the deterioration of the environmental conditions of the planet.

The Asian giant is already the main CO2 emitter of the planet with a volume superior to the 6,000 million metric tons per year, in front of the United States, reported the Spanish newspaper the Country.

The Spanish means inform that according to a report of the World Bank China it counts on 16 of the 20 cities with more pollution of the globe. One talks about that in the Chinese city of Hailaer, one of the most important centers of production energetics, the snow is black. A serious problem of public health is reflected in the data of which the contamination brings about in the Asian country the premature death of 750,000 people to the year.

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