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Message: interesting interview el universal

interesting interview el universal

posted on Feb 21, 2010 06:13AM

Interview/Héctor Silva Michelena, member of the National Academy of Sciences económicaS

“He is absolutely demential to try to revivir to the socialism”

“For the project the innovation is conuco, the communes; it is to go backwards, the return to the past”

Héctor Silva Michelena thinks that already he is undeniable that the chavista project walks towards the fusion Be-party (Nicola Rocco)

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After than six decades given more to the study of Venezuela, Héctor Silva Michelena, member of the National Academy of Economic Sciences, where it finishes dictating an controversial conference on ethics, resort to psychiatry before entering themselves in the analysis of the country: madness consists of “repeating the same time and time again, hoping to obtain different results”.

Said this, it shoots to the heart of the project that leads Hugo Chavez and affirms that “he is absolutely demential to try to revivir to the socialism, to repeat something who already failed; history has demonstrated of empirical form that it is nonviable and theoretically, as it worked, also is nonviable”.

The impossibility of the socialist economies emanates of “the allocation of the majority of the goods on the part of an administrative apparatus where the producers are not themselves forced to compete with others, the direct control of the companies by the party and its sectional policies and the lack of political democracy and freedom in all the senses”.

The innovation deficiency, of technological improvements, is another symptom to consider in the socialist pathology. “In this aspect the socialist economies failed, the truth fully is that without the nourished competition of the markets, as much national as international, no company is forced to innovate; processes of innovation in an economy have not been observed, aside from the fomented ones by the competition”.

When placing the lens on Venezuela emphasizes that “these characteristics are not total but they advance, today is impossible to deny that the S-state the great proprietor. The First Socialist Plan has a graph where it is interpreted that the calls companies of social production and the State will be equivalent to 75% of the GIP in 2013, whereas the private sector descends from 57% of the GIP to 25%”.

It emphasizes that “in the 150 companies taken part by the Government there is no participation of the workers, everything is of the State and the party because here the fusion is taking place Be-party. The public sector in 2007 represented 25.5% of the GIP and today it surpasses 30%. The workers who toil for the State, thanks to the continuous expropriations, have increased in a million and there it is the disastrous problem of production in the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana”.

It stresses that “theoretically companies lack viability that do not have competition; for that reason the innovation in the project is the opposite, the milk cow, the hydroponic culture, the communes, conuco, is to go backwards, the return to the past”.

- If as the attempt to revivir to the socialism affirms is demential, why it thinks that the country has fallen in this stage of madness?

- Fidel Castro transferred to Hugo Chavez, its influence is terrible because Chávez has fallen in love with Fidel. Also a very elementary thought exists, to think that we must embrace to the socialism to eliminate the profit, the gain and to reach the happiness; from the necessity of the hyperleader, redeeming the irreplaceable one arises there, therefore Stalin in spite of the crimes felt that committed.

- Hugo Chavez has begun to mention to Carlos Marx. He has sense to continue speaking of the theory of the value-work, of the capital gain that the industralist robs the worker to him?

- He has been demonstrated for already a third of century that the theory of the value-work is false. According to this theory of Marx the value of the things comes from the work, that demonstrated that it is false because in fact the value of the things comes from its utility, the shortage. Therefore, that idea according to which the gain produces the worker and the capitalist operates it taking control it, is false.

Nowadays we know that the operation is inherent to any system where differences or inequalities in grants exist, of any type, which they have the individuals.

- For the Government the industralist is a negative personage whom there is to eliminate because does not create value and he takes advantage the workers. What thinks?

- Thus it is, for the chavismo the industralist is a negative personage whom there is to eliminate; a cannibal, predatory, who only wants to profit. I am totally in discord, the industralist improves its process of production continuously to be able to compete, for that reason one of the problems that it had the substitution of imports is that it eliminated the foreign competition. When the industralist has a competition it does not have left more remedy than to introduce innovations or to die.

Said this we must add that the handling of production means, the management, generates value. That demonstrated Robert to it Nozick.

- In his last work it maintains that there is no ethics in the socialism. On what this affirmation is based?

- The key question in the subject of the ethics is how one must live. That the person by her same will decides to live according to the positive values, is an own decision and in the existing socialism there is no individual freedom, are not possible to be made decisions different from the prescribed ones for the way than the supreme happiness is denominated. All deflection with respect to the conducive actions and prescriptions to the utopia, is condemnable.

For the marxism the ethics is a superstructural reflection of the material conditions of life. Well it is known that the socialism in no country has created wealth, on the contrary, which has taken place is what own Marx called a leveling by low it. In no socialist country the poverty was surpassed, as promised its leaders to it and if the material base of the productive process could not generate the sufficient thing to face the human needs materially, what cipote of ethics can have?

- In the First Socialist Plan one affirms that the socialism of we are inventing it to the 21st century and that only will be possible in the medium historical time.

- If the socialism of the 21st century is something that the Government and their leader is inventing, and that its total accomplishment requires a medium historical time, then the Venezuelans we are experimental objects, like rats and conejillos of laboratory, manipulated by some conductista psychologist.

In addition for which Chávez has the declared haste to eliminate the “laws bourgeois”? This is not included/understood, unless we are placed in the plane of the absolute authoritarian voluntarism that characterizes the conduct of the President.

-The oil wealth does not give to the Venezuelan economy the possibility him of trying that the socialist system works?

- To weighing of the oil boom the country it undergoes a tremendous crisis by the estanflación, that is to say, stagnation and discharge inflation. Petroleum only lessens, allows certain manoeuvre margin. Venezuela is going to be the unique country of Latin America with recession in 2010.

In these eleven years which has become it is to create a country more employee of the oil rent that is a factor that is not controlable

-What can happen if the Government gains a victory in the next elections, ruled for September, and maintains the control on the National Assembly?

- If the Government has a victory of that type in the next elections, the collapse, the dementia will be accelerated.

Victor Salmerón/Vsalmeron@Eluniversal.Com

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