ez, my suit super powers are pretty limited....i can remove some messages, i can do some violation stuff....as far as changing users posts, moving them, or bringing back the dead i'm just not able....
just a thought on where we are currently: is'nt the last official word from venezuela that "no response within 6 months will constitute a denied appeal" or something to that affect?
realistically, i believe venezuela (with it's current government) has pretty much told us no...but, we continue to finance the water/medical.....i dont know that this was required under the MOC (to continue to operate them)....
so why dont we either start charging for service or HANG A BIG F'N SIGN OUTSIDE THAT SAYS "CRYSTALLEX WATER TREATMENT PLANT" OR CRYSTALLEX FREE MEDICAL TO BANANAHEADS"????? that way maybe we could read about the good stuff we're financing and how the locals love us...instead of always getting beat on and then getting insulted....