Optionsgal posts that:
"Hey Bull Baby....Rusty....
Somebody thinking KRY SP might be a bit higher before 10/15/2010. :)
There are currently 1,132 October 2010 $2.50 contracts/open interest. So that was a good sized chunk today. The vol. will be much higher right before significant news. We call it a "tell". I'm watching them.....as I have for the last 5-6 years. :)
Peace out Baby and a large Timmie's for the road"
She is the "local resident expert" on opitons. Institute of Higher Learning phrase on campus.
Maybe she can give us nyophites a crash course on Options investing. I know a bit about it but stuff like "naked options" is beyond me.
To me this means a whole bunch of people are gambling that the "strike price" will be better than 2.50 in October (After S26 significance?)
Is there an interest in the $5 price and when does it expire, OG? Usually a $10 and a $12.50 interest is posted too, like in 2012, for example for the $12.50. . OG would know the specifics.
So, to ans your question my belief is yes in Nov 15, 2010.For the Nov 15 strike date the big boys may be placing a lot "put' options at $5. How about you OG? Or is it "call" if you are buying in?
Knowing how to trade in options is highly specialized and best left to the experts I'm told. I did place a put way back at $5.00 when for the $5 and up but by the time the 15th of the month rolled around I was under. I also know that if you are "out of the money" instead of "in the money" you can switch your options to delay losses. I did not know how to do that so lost about $200 cash. Naked options is even more dicy.
What say OG?
By the way to attend the AGM meeting what proof that I own stocks in KRY do I need to bring with me to get in the door? Just my ID maybe? My first. if I go 2 hours away. Can I bring a friend to attend too-not a stock holder?