Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America


Im with the BOSS on this one. Yes, he may be making some assumptions on this stock, but if you were ever going to invest in this stock now is the time.....period. Make an agrument otherwise I would be willing to listen. I certainly agree, earnestly, that the BOSS is dead on when he states that China is VZ last chance. This "fact" is coupled with what I think is going to be a major double dip recession world wide. I believe we could see gold prices at levels we have never seen in our lifetime. All items stated here are only my opinion, but I have and continue to put my money in this stock. I wish you guy a happy 4th as I will be up north, in beautiful Presque Isle Wisconsin, hunting the elusive and ultimate fresh water predator.....the Musky. I probably will not catch a f.ing thing, but WTH I have a great stock here.....so all is well.


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