Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: another way to look at it!

From Crystallex's old company profile it uses 17 million ounces with a mine life of 65 years based on 20,000 tons of ore a day. 20,000 tons a day "is expected to average 256,000 ounces a year for the first five years and 233,000 ounces a year for the 65-year mine life." This isn't a guess it is a fact right on their website.

We also know from Crystallex that their projection for $800 gold raised reserves to 22 million ounces. While I believe their is a lot more gold lets stop at 24 million ounces for $1150-$1200 gold.

We know from Fung that the plan is to have a mine life of 15-20 years. Taking 24 million ounces over the worst case 20 years gives 1.2 million ounces a year. Crystallex's share would be 400,000 ounces a year.

For the sake of argument lets us $350 as our mining cost and $1150 as the gold price like others have used in their examples. This leaves $800 profit per ounce. Using a VZ tax and royalty rate of a minimum 40% to a worst case of 50% should they add on extra royalty. That leaves Crystallex between $480 and $400 after taxes. (this is not allowing anything for our tax losses we have)

400,000 ounces a year with an after tax profit of $480-$400 gives us a yearly income of $192 million down to $160 million. (this doesn't factor in any debt payments) I say that isn't to bad for a company with 400,000 shares. Our share total may climb as high as 500,000 based on the over allotment and CRRC buying up to 19.9% but with it come cash.

No matter which way you look there is going to be a boat load of cash coming our way down the road.

Jul 24, 2010 09:55PM
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