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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: With all due respect

"The statement that China has Vz by the balls has always rubbed me wrong."

I do have to disagree with that Don. China is loaning $20B big ones to VZ in return for oil shipments. In the state VZ is in right now I really don't think Chavez would want to po China in any way.

Can you imagine what type of agreement that is typed up that goes along with that $20B? I would imagine there are some very well thought out specifics as if you do this or that then good bye VZ. and your money...also probably says if we give you $20B then we expect this or that. Chavez is crazy but he is now playing with fire IMO if he missteps with China. Let's hope our deal and the permit are tied somewhere in between on what China is requesting in return for their $20B.

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