Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Delay?...No, not in Venezuela!!! You're kidding me, right?

We have had specific examples of the company lieing to shareholders. I forget which CEO it was, (there's been so many), but it was the South African. The night before his first AGM, he had a meeting with 4-5 shareholders. It was him, the lawyer, the finance person, Andrea, and RM. I talked about how the company had specifically been lieing about an issue with one of the financing partners. This had to do with facts that were disclosed in a public filing by the financing partner that were conclusively in contradiction to what the company had been telling shareholders. I referenced the proof and asserted that MO and RM had flat out made false statements to shareholders. There was not a word in contraction to my assertations. The new CEO's response was that he wasn't here before and that going forward they would either decline to comment or tell the truth.

Actually history of this company shows the nods and winks have no value. The only thing that matters is what's in the filings.

Before someone asks why am I still here: I have well over 100,000 "free" shares, (thanks Cramer) so I might as well sit it out and see what happens rather than sell at these prices.

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