EBECO-Press-Upata. - ebecoespecial@cantv.net Of a little while to another one could explode a new social conflict from the interior of the Tomi mine, on the part of a group of miner@s, as soon as Ing. Geólogo; Luis Ramon Herrera Mendoza, CIV- 5.005.026, would authorize day Friday 10 of this month the past, to the mining leaders; Yerania Carolina Lara; affectionately well-known like “Skinny” and the Frank Brown Diaz in order that initially to elaborate a census and thus three fronts of work in that auriferous area can be aperturar, always under the recommendation of the president of CVG-Minerven, places that its center of working activity maintains, located exit the Pebble via Tumeremo of the Sifontes municipality. The Newspaper the Progress, talked with Mrs. Yerania Lara from the population of the Pebble, arguing that “the events of the recent death of the 6 miners, who were killed their in the Tomi mine, became a political commerce on the part of the Mayorship of the municipality the Pebble, under the direction of the mayoress Ornelia Scipio Torres and Arsenio Urrieta, municipal director of the small mining of that mayorship. THREE MINORS DIED IN MINE TOMI AND NOBODY SAID NOTHING Some civil servant of weight of the municipal, regional and national government denounced much less that six months ago in that Tomi mine three juniors died and no governmental civil servant I worry about this lamentable fact to nobody I concern these deaths more to him, to the president of CVG-Minerven nor. “These six people tapiadas in Tomi mine Die and exactly when these people are burying Christian to them, the politicians of the Pebble and other municipalities take advantage of this situation to give political dye him and again they begin with impunity to play with the sweat and the feeling of the miner. It needed that on this situation, the most affected they are the relatives of these disappeared companions, who in their majority were the familiar support of their houses that thanks to its work, solved the social problems in each of its residences. MAYORESS OF THE PEBBLE OF BACK TOWARDS THE MINERS Orlenia Sabe perfectly the real situation that we are suffering, and we did not explain the reasons in that woman appears now with her fresh good face before the mining population “since when she was anxious of votes, did not take off the miner very insistently to him crying out they supported so that it to reach the mayorship. Promising that it fought with all forces so that to the miners all the debts promised during that one famous mining reconversion paid to him, a reconversion that was transformed into deceit on the part of her and the government who represents. Once it won, the desentendida one was done exclaiming that she is not thankful for votes to him to the miner who thanks to God is that I am chosen mayoress from the Pebble and that never will recognize the votes of the miners supported who it. “We believed in a socialist revolution and all of them are worse than the politicians of IV the Republic. And this people of the Psuv, which is great capitalists and we are not for policy. “We are simply so that people that is based on government, it llámese national, regional and municipal; they solve the great problems to him that we have the miners of the Pebble. “Problems that per years come suffering the small mining of the state Bolivar, very particularly who we make active life in the South zone of this state, especially in the population of the Pebble and its environs where aside from being run over, accuse to us that we are illegal, indeed in our country. We are family parents, with the same needs that people that works in favor of the government, but with a very high moral and until better than those politicians of the V Republic”. MINERVEN PRESIDENT MAINTAINS PARTICULAR INTERESTS IN MINE TOMI It maintained that recently I was of visit in the city of Caracas and with great difficulty manages to interview to me with minister Alexander Hitchert, of the Ministry of the Atmosphere, where we maintained an heated discussion when accusing us that we are illegal, and I let among others know things him, of the necessity that we have the miners of the Pebble, so that the national government grants spaces to us to work in the Tomi Mine, since this concession of Mineras name Bonanza a.c., has a permisología for exploration and operation, that is a concession assigned to Ing. Luis Herrera Mendoza president of CVG-Minerven since in that east area Sir maintains working to three cooperatives working under his service and it does not allow that we enter to work in those aerial ones. “One tries more of than in this regional and municipal situation which exists is everything a political commerce on the part of jerarcas of the national government. If political campaign did not exist and some people die inside the mines, as nothing always happens had happened and the miners continue working as if nothing. To the people of the government he does not interest the life to them of the miner, they are always defending their political and material interests like true capitalists. “We are waiting for CVG representatives, soon to reunite to us with Ing. Luis Herrera Mendoza and to see as this situation is resolved, since we are tired who to the miners to us follows taking “the hair”, we are showing attitudes pacific and reason why we are seeing is that the people of the government wish that we put ourselves gross to be able to give immediate answers us”. Yerania Lara said, in conclusive tone