well, whoever the parties may be who will be buying the rising in price shares once this thing gets its permit, etc...those very buyers will be somebody who isn't buying right now, eh? And whoever they are, they may have to pay even more per share, once they do start buying, IF if if if a whole lot more people are also buying because they have recently been informed about the mine, its price, its prob and proven reserves, its cost per ounce to extract, its J/V, etc.etc. My own idea of the value of such a booth at the convention is to let more of the mining world know about us so the mad scramble can have even more possible buyers scrambling after them. And for China, I imagine they are proud of themselves and wouldn't mind bragging up their own part in this.
...and no bear: You're prob right. I thought others here at Agoracom may already know about this.