It looks like EZ's right on track at $4.00 per share.
Based on this aricles calculations by "Casey Research" re calculating the price for In Ground Gold Resourses.
$25 per ounce for Inferred.
$50 per ounce for Measured and indicated.
$160 per ounce for Proven and Probable. Significantly higher as the price of Gold Rises.
These figures could change considerably either way depending on the Price of Gold. They were calculated as rough estimates when Gold was $1000/ounce..The fiqures will vary but should serve as a general rule of thumb.
Based on our having 20 million ounces in the ground, it would appear that John Ing has given a $100 Per 0unce Valuation for our "In Ground Gold Resources".
That gives us a 2 Billion Dollar Valuation. Using a 500 million share base we arrive at a price of $4.00 per share. This is a general way for evaluating a buy out.
As the J/V stands this is not a buy out!! We will own a 1/3 Interest in the new venture.
It does not take into consideration additional resources that may be proven on the Crystallex property.
Nor does it consider other possible vend in's that the new venture may have negotiated or may add in at a later date.
This could well be part of the justification that has made it an arms length deal for the overal benefit of all parties. Thus KRY'S acceptance of the 70-30 split. The future together looks to have far reaching possibilities.
I agree with EZ and Ing's figures, but I feel they see it as the "absolute low" based only on a possible buy out or arbitration.
That scenario is not what we Invision from a Trustworthy Chinese Joint Venture Partner that has a Superior Long Term Vision for this New Enterprise.
But as the Chinese say "Silence is Golden."
Have a great week end and may "option Girl's" dreams come true by October 14th.
Best Wishes