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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: What a week!

By the time anything hits the Chinese website, an announcement will have already been made. something like this:


I would suspect since a Chinese Bank is financing mining, it might be reasonable to think that another Chinese Company might have a reasonable chance of working out an agreement with Venezuela to access one gold mine since this will not cost VZ anything to do so and VZ will gain over 50% of the output (40% direct tax/royalty revenue plus the in-country costs) . And this same company is extensively involved already with a $7.5Billion dollar rail project. Not to mention the 10/10 Alo Presidente comments.

I know statements in all directions but I am following the money and Chavez himself. If Chavez signed an agreement with RusTech in Russia to replace CREC's MOC, he would have had a photo-op announcing it. RusTech may participate in mining but like I have said before, Venezuela can have a win win win win all the way around with all of the resources available.

OT: Has anyone confirmed beyond the quarterly that GRZ is in talks?

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