Ya'll know that this hub is the public face of Crystallex, in as much as 99% of all the comments made concerning the company and it's progress or should'd'd I say'y'y'y'y lack of proogress's's's, come frrrom this hub. (voice of computer generated moderator)
There is little doubt that Chavez has 'his people' monitoring our board. We know how 'sensitive' our boy is.....that is, to criticism. He despises those that are wanting to make $$$ off of his resources, especially 'easy money' ( laugh, choke, gasp ), from the Western stock market.
Maybe this will seem naive to some, but I would think that over the years, through our vocalness, we have been putting fuel on the fire by our in your face depiction of of him as a F#@*ing loony bin ape coke addict, and that could have helped tip the scales against any permit.
Knowing that, would it surprise anyone that as representatives of Crystallex shareholders, he would love to see us with a screw driver up our whazoo?
This guy IS unbalanced enough to be that vendictive.
We been 'raped', and I'm not putting the blame on 'the victim', but this scenario could certainly be a part of the big picture in this very public online world we live in.