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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Maybe China is behind this whole thing.....

Is it really beyond possibity that China is behind this latest problem for Crystallex? I find the timing very troublesome. Does China have clout in the world? Yes! Does it have incredible clout in VZ? Ofcourse. So then I have to ask why would VZ do this now? Could it be at the urging of China. China's quest for the world's resourses is not a bashful undertaking. Could it have been a deep seeded plan the entire time to boost up KRY, get there knowledge and then politically pull the rug out from under a weak and broke partner? Maybe that is why we have heard nothing of the "negotations." China is out for itself and I can not help but think we have been duped. I JUST CAN GET OVER THE FACT THAT OF ALL THE YEARS OF THIS SAGA VZ CHOOSES NOW TO MAKE THIS DECISION, WHEN OUR HAND, OR POTENTIAL HAND, WAS SEEMINGLY THE STRONGEST IN YEARS I THINK IT WAS CREC GOAL ALL ALONG. I CAN NOT GET OVER THE LACK OF FORTHCOMING INFORMATION FROM "OUR PARTNER" AND FEEL THEY MAY HAVE PURPOSELY COMSUMED AN UNSAVY AND DESPREATE MANAGEMENT TEAM. TO BE BLINDSIDED BY THIS IS UNEXCEPTABLE ON TOO MANY FRONTS TO MENTION. ALL THIS IS ONLY MHO!


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