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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: soft bashing

Knock it off with the "soft bashing" accusations Teutracker. I could dig up a boat load of rampant pumping posts that have probably cost people a whole lot more than any soft bashing has or could have.

"that aspect I remain confident of because if I wasn't certain I would sell."

There have been scores of aspects you have been confident of, look at the stock price and situation. There is one sticky point in all this and I have refered to it a few times. That is the so-called approval of high level govt for this JV. If it were actually Chavez then he obviously doesn't have the control of this mining area or certain political arenas that we think he does. If it were lower level govt, then maybe Chavez quashed it. Who ever knocked our house of cards over obviously doesn't hold the same regard for the Chinese as we do as to influence in VZ. The possibility actually exists that the Chinese may be left out in the cold just as Kry has been(in LC that is). The corruption factor could be at work in this one and be the final decision maker.

It just doesn't add up. Bless the Chinese/Kry JV, then basically spurn it. Something other than Govt at work imo.

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