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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: saud story. you gotta love the last line.
Release of a prisoner of William Saud is imminent
Friday, 11 of March of 2011

The mining leader William Saud, stopped in soothes of Patrol crafts of Caroní, received the good news: in the morning of today Castle will be transferred to the Hospital Manuel Siverio, of Detachment 88 of the National Guard Bolivariana, in Ordaz Port, to evaluate its medical staff and to corroborate the gravity of its state of health.

Marks David Valverde

Saud was sentenced, in December of 2009, to six years of prison
The political and social William Saud, its relatives and activists who support their cause, have been still to be mentioned this week. What the mining leader, stopped in soothes of Patrol crafts of Caroní, asks for, has received response in several sectors: a conditional freedom to be able to be put under an operation of open heart. The answer, so seems, arrived.

“That is already a fact”, assured Saud during afternoon this Thursday. After which its daughter, Saud Soul, a humanitarian benefit asked for in the Palace of Justice of City Bolivar, the jailed one received the visit of a representative of the Defensoría of the Town and three civil servants of the Body of Scientific researches, Penal and Criminologies (Cicpc). The rumor that he would be excarcelado began to run.

Finally, the content of the murmur was confirmed at the end of afternoon, when Saud received a notification of the commander of Patrol crafts of Caroní, Saúl Lamb. The news: in the first hours of this Friday Castle, located in Detachment 88 of the National Guard Bolivariana would be taken to the hospital Manuel Siverio, to be evaluated. The release of a prisoner ticket could be in its hands after which it is corroborated that its state of health is really delicate.

“It visited Saúl to Me Lamb and it informed to me that with a unit patrol boat of the police station, and with the safekeeping of two civil servants of the Police (of the state Bolivar) I am going to be transferred to the military hospital to take place a control. Soon the ticket will come”, explained.

Demolished rumors
Through the social network Twitter, the most persistent rumor was that Saud would be released east Thursday to be taken part surgically. He himself was in charge to deny alleging them that “still I do not have it. Here he has not arrived, at least”.

Saud does not hope either that, after the medical evaluation, he is finally excarcelado. Nevertheless, it indicated his hopes that the measurement takes shape the weekend.

“Fodder that they must take care of the backs, since my state of health is delicate. They are going to me to make that control so that she knows that (not) I am leaving in freedom in good physical training conditionses”, said.

The reasons multiply
The case of William Saud has extended due to its complications of health. Not only obstruction afflicts the coronary it today: cancer of skin, pulmonary prostatitis and enfisema are added to the picture of affections.

The Court of the Court of appeals is handling the case at present.

Old woman datas

It was in September of 2005 when William Saud led a protest in the population of the Claritas, Sifontes municipality, against transnational Crystallex miner, ordered in that then and by disposition of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana (CVG) of the exploration and operation of the auriferous project the Cristinas.

In December of 2009 it was sentenced to six years and three months of prison. Along with him, he remains lengthy Carlos Chancellor, ex- mayor of Sifontes, that also participated in the protest.

Recently the national Government through CVG has settled the contract with Crystallex.

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