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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Agoracom, Taking It To The Streets AGAIN, to Wipe Out Breast Cancer!

Last year, with the generous help of my fellow Agoracom members, WE raised in excess of $10,000.00 for The Avon Breast Cancer Foundation. After walking 39.3 miles in New York City, for this most important cause, I watched as the monies you and I raised, were immediately distributed for medical research, clinical care, support services, education and early detection programs. Our community here, made a tremendous difference in the lives of many individuals who are either fighting for their own lives, or fighting to help save the lives of someone they love.

I am writing to you today, from The Cancer Center at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT., while waiting for one of the dearest women in my circle, to complete her first round of internal radiation. On December 6th, almost 2 months after I participated in the 2010 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, my mother Dorothy, was diagnosed with cancer. These past 8 months have been an eye-opening experience for me, as I have witnessed first hand, the intense and courageous emotional and physical journey shared by those who are fighting for their lives, while battling cancer. The shock of hearing those 3 life-altering words….YOU HAVE CANCER. The scramble to locate and meet with specialists to arrange for surgery…. The agonizing wait for the pathology report…. The slow process of recovery, with the ever present knowledge that months, perhaps years, of chemotherapy and radiation are on the immediate horizon.... Watching the one you love most, consumed by anxiety, fear, fatigue, nausea, hair and weight loss…..seeing their world and yours too, turned upside down.

Last year I came to you with statistics. The fact that 3 million women are living with breast cancer…and that one third of them don't know it. The startling truth that every 13 minutes, we lose a mother, sister, grandmother, or our best friend to this awful disease. Last October I walked with breast cancer survivors, family members and friends, whose lives have been forever changed by cancer. Their heart wrenching stories of struggle, loss and victory, not only put a face to breast cancer, but touched me profoundly and have inspired me to step up my own efforts to further this very important cause. This year my fight is personal and I won't stop walking until a cure is found.

While researchers have made significant progress in the last few years, there is still much that needs to be done. Today, I ask that you visit my site and honor someone that you love, with a donation to this very worthy cause. Give whatever you can…as every dollar really does help.


I thank-you from the bottom of my heart, for your support and encouragement in this big undertaking. I learned many things while preparing and participating in the Walk last year and by being an intimate participant this year in my mom's journey. As I reach out to you today, I am reminded of the importance of community. Alone we can only do so much, but together we can make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others.

With Sincere Gratitude,


Thank-you George and the entire Agoracom staff for your continued support.

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