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Message: Chávez flew to Cuba for another session of chemotherapy
Chávez flew to Cuba for another session of chemotherapy
Domingo, 07 of August of 2011

President Hugo Chavez started off last night for Havana to begin the second stage of his treatment of chemotherapy to treat the cancer that suffers. Before Varela like minister of Penitentiary Subjects administered an oath to Iris.

Chávez approached the presidential airplane in Maiquetía, accompanied by its daughter Maria Gabriela and her Gabriela granddaughter

The National Assembly approved yesterday unanimously the trip from president Hugo Chavez to Cuba, where it has predicted to be put under one second session of chemotherapy to cure the cancer that afflicts to him.

This decision looks for to facilitate the trip to the Caribbean island of president Chávez, who east Saturday sent a letter to the president of the Parliament, Fernando Red Grove, asking for permission to absent itself of Venezuela.

“For reasons of legality, legitimacy and humanity we approved in all parts the request of the president (Chávez)”, declared Red Grove after the brief parliamentary session.
The opponents, on the other hand, also voted in favor of authorize leave of Chávez, to that they wished a quick recovery him.

“Like conscious Venezuelans and of the situation that the President is living today, we put our sand grain in this Assembly so that (Chávez) its treatment is going to Cuba to become”, it honored deputy Rosaura Sanz, of the party Primero Justicia (PJ).

Red grove, of the Divided pro-government official Socialist United of Venezuela (PSUV), explained that the absence of Chávez is framed within the established thing in the Constitution of the South American country, in case Chávez needs to absent itself by more than five days.

“The 235 (of the Constitution), that is very clear and categorical: spent five days consecutive one authorizes the president to travel abroad”, declared in press conference after the approval of the permission.

The session of the National Assembly in himself was quite decaffeinated and the motion was approved in a matter of minutes, something peculiar in a country where he is frequent to see enthusiastic parliamentary debates that not infrequently they finish in heated fights.

Chávez is being put under a chemotherapy treatment to cure a cancer to him that was detected to him in July during a visit to Cuba and that deserved an operation to remove a malignant tumor to him of the abdominal zone.

President Hugo Chavez assured that its country is preparation before the “crisis of the Capitalism” that affects to the United States and eurozona, although recognized that this one could have some effect.

“Venezuela has come preparing for several years, to uncouple to us of the world-wide hegemonic capitalist system. Far from easy, still we are not uncoupled (...) we have come preparing to us for years”, declared the agent chief executive hours before starting off for Cuba to be put under one second session of chemotherapy to cure the cancer that afflicts to him.

During a televising contact to average officials, Chávez it indicated that the fault of the crisis has the United States, since the North American country “is fraction”, while it indicated that the legislative agreement reached this week to pay the debt of the first world-wide power will not solve “anything”.

“What happened in the United States was not no solution, no, which did was to defer the wrinkle. That is going away to aggravate. (They say that) “No, that increased the ceiling to him of the debt”, but good, that is debt to pay more debt”, questioned.

Chávez proposed to the Latin American countries to do against the crisis increasing integration with the fortification of the bank of the south, the creation of a currency common and to bring the international reserves (at the moment deposited in banks of the USA and Europe) to the region.

Presidential trip
The state television transmitter spread images of the moment in which Chávez, dress of military suit and red beret, came to raise the perrons to approach the presidential airship would take that it to the Caribbean island.

The governor, of 57 years, was operated in June of a cancerous tumor in the pelvic region and she was put under in the middle of the month last to a first cycle of chemotherapy in Cuba. The president has maintained reserve exceeds where he was located to the cancer and the medical prognoses.

Shortly before starting off for Cuba, Chávez not less than said that as of morning it will initiate the second phase of the chemotherapy and that will be “several days, one week” in that process. “Soon it is possible, one third (chemotherapy) makes lack, and it still does not know if a complementary x-ray”, added.

“I go away in a situation of frank recovery, by all means this disease you you know that always it takes risk, but (I am in) frank recovery and indeed the second stage of the chemotherapy is for following in that frank recovery… within days will return and return in better conditions, with please the God and the Virgin. The alive Venezuela, Independence and socialist mother country”, said the governor when taking leave of its military and civilian personnel shortly before going the presidential palace course to the airport.

Although Chávez recognized Friday that due to the treatment will lower “a little the public profile”, did not indicate if it would delegate his functions in vice-president Elías Jaua, as it stipulates the Magna Carta to it. (AP/DPA)

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