Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Gold Reserve

History of stock investment has shown, and I assume statistically, that when an investor makes a mistake he generally loses. We all made a mistake in our calculation of this company's potiential. Bill Cara was told by individuals in Venezuela back in 2007 that KRY would never mine LC and he told all his bloggers to sell all shares the next day when KRY was trading at 3.50 USD. KRY happened to be his top pick of all stocks at the time. Signs were there like RF owning no shares, money being spent like drunken sailors and very poor information flow. To add to that we were all given a chance by the company to liquidate our shares in the pre market in June 2010 at a profit for most accounts. That opportunity does not come often when one gets on the poor side of a stock investment. Now we live in hope of "just" getting most of our money back. RF knows this and is now capitalizing on that with the trustee as if he is acting in our best interest in exchange for a pot of gold for himself and his good time buddies.

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