Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Gold Reserve


I think most here bought from the hype and not from analytical study. Once in, the stock began to tank then hope set in that it would recover. When it didn't most looked to the cheerleaders here with the most knowledge for guidance. They were buying "on the dips" so many here decided to buy more share and average down. We averaged down and averaged down until we were beyond hope. Now we all owned an astronomical number of shares that any reasonable investor could not imagine doing. Then we had the "fix" in June 2010 that gave us all the chance to sell out. Did any of us have a pre determined sell order? No we didn't; why? Because with our astronomical number of shares we couldn't face reality in the face. Instead many here bought more shares with the expectation that we would all become lottery winners. Remember all the talk about meeting in "the islands" for the big KRY vacations. We are all a collective group of dreamers and could not see the truth in front of us. That truth was Fung never buying a single share. Now he is attempting to close a deal with Venezuela for 6-7 hundred million or at least it appears that is his bottom line. When that happens in a couple of years plus the shareholders will be left with nothing north of .50 cents USD a share. I'm expecting more like the high 30's once all the bills/interest/lawyers,etc. are paid. The dream is over EZ and we lost.

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