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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Causa R lashes mineral concessions to the Chinese
Causa R lashes mineral concessions to the Chinese
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The deputy and member of the Committee on Energy, Oil and Mines, Americo De Grazia, criticized the Government has signed an agreement with the Chinese transnational Construtions Citigroup to explore all material mining and isolate Venezuela Venezuelan universities, to miners and indigenous natives.

De Grazia: delivery of our minerals to China brings us back to the time of Gomez

Caracas. - Americo De Grazia, deputy to the National Assembly and member of the Committee on Energy, Oil and Mines, accompanied by the leadership of La Causa R, reported Tuesday that the contract signed by President Hugo Chávez with Chinese transnational Citigroup Construtions last September 21, 2012, never passed by the National Assembly. "This document is given to the Chinese in red carpet all they are our wealth and mineral potential."

He said that since then, the document is kept in a "secret" until the contents of the agreement was made public. "He came to our hands by greenways, not by the Commission for energy, oil and mining I represent. It is delivered to the Chinese, not only gold, but uranium, coltan, diamonds, phosphates, iron ore and bauxite. "

"This document was signed behind the country and Venezuelans do not know its contents. There he gives five Chinese universities participation, however, Simon Bolivar University, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad del Zulia, Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad Experimental Antonio Jose de Sucre and the Universidad de Oriente can not do geology studies and mines in Venezuela according to Decree 8413. This is also the homeland of injury and the interests of the Venezuelan people, "he said.

With the Chinese multinational company Citigroup Construtions government also supported the exploration for all material mining in Venezuela. "That too is a fraud because it was made in the 90s by Tecmin CVG. What we'll do is change the name to collect it off, as they say in my village to circumvent national sovereignty. It also represents a treason for being the idiosyncrasy of a new colonialism. "

Chinese? Yeah? Venezuelans??
De Grazia question why there is room for the Chinese working and Chinese multinationals can enrich and take all our mineral wealth and there can be no room for our humble Venezuelan miners? But jail, sweat, blood and tears as occurred on 26 September 2006 in La Paragua, where weapons of the Republic undertook a crime against humanity that killed eight miners Venezuelans. "

He explained that on February 4 was bombed with C4 under the command of Gen. Cliver Alcala Cordones, Supamo bridge that connected farmers and miners to the population of El Manteco. While in another incident, "four Venezuelan miners, two of them ever met illiterate Mission Mission Robinson or identity because they have no identity card, they are imprisoned and condemned in a brief and summary trial to 10 years in prison Jail in Vista Hermosa in Ciudad Bolivar. "

"Only by way of trying to eradicate violence mining has long-standing experience in Guyana. Venezuela is a mining country. The settlers did not come to this land looking for nuggets of gold handle but, already exploited and used our indigenous "he argued.

He called this situation is resolved soon. "We accused the government of treason. This brings us back to the days of Juan Vicente Gómez, when the Americans came to set up their camps as occupation zones. Today is the Chinese. We have gone back in history over 60 years, "he said. (Solidarity Press)http://www.correodelcaroni.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=222375:la-causa-r-denuncia-entrega-de-riqueza-minera-a-china&catid=74:nacional&Itemid=115

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