Longkry06 & Auntierooski
Am a messenger relaying cryfq info. Plus pinkie history.
Both readily verifiable with minimal personal DD.
Message board is meant to share Crystallex information.
Once character assassination happens, everyone understands.
That is - Misdirecting your frustration with name calling.
Think - The negativity is courtesy of Management/Tenor.
Try reading the last Crystallex SEC filing. 2011 fins.
I know, rumors and Kool-Aid can be easier to swallow.
But, really, try some personal DD and check it out.
The latest Crystallex filing disclosure reeks negativity.
It is much, much, more than 2011 fins - goes into 2013.
No hint of future Crystallex liquidation in the filing.
Nothing about negotiating for an early Ven settlement.
However, warns reorganization may eliminate shareholders.
Plus, numerous other warnings and negatives in the filing.
Give it a read for the truth where negativity originates.
Yep, you will see it is all courtesy of Crystallex Management/Tenor.
Nothing posted on any board will affect the outcome.