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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: 2013 closed as the worst year of performance of mining in the country
2013 closed as the worst year of performance of mining in the country
Industry sources say the government has neither developed any mining plan

They note that the Government has not developed a mining plan (credit: File)

04/11/2013 2:19:00 pm | Erika Hidalgo Lopez . - The performance figures on mining in the country, showcasing the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) show that 2013 has been the most difficult year in recent 16. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) miner shows a decline that has put local businesses outside the sector in national development. According to the president of the Chamber of Mines of Venezuela (Camiven), Luis Alejandro Rojas, the solution the great crisis of the sector must necessarily pass through a refounding of each and every one of mining activities. "Large-scale mining, such as coal, gold, iron and bauxite, are at historical lows, there are serious problems production in all these areas. The gold obtained today is not even 10% of what occurred at some point. If one speaks of iron, the production may be 25% and bauxite, in the best case, reaches 20%, "the business leader. 's small and medium mining and mining industry, represented by items such as sand, gravel, limestone, and other supplies, are also historically low production. Rojas says that imports are supplying the deficiencies of the country , since despite having large reserves of all these products in Venezuela, the activity is almost stopped, as many of the mines are owned by the state, which affects mainly the construction area. insufficient flow of foreign currency, in turn, does not allow replacements are made ​​goods Capital , materials, equipment or spare parts, which hinders the activities. Rojas says that most of the few miners who are still trying to revive its concessions to operate, are cannibalizing computers only allow a short life. mining situation in Venezuela is critical. For sector actors heading through the worst time in its history.

"If you want to produce in the short term or increase production , it is impossible, unless there is a major injection of resources, that looks difficult, "says Rojas.
Without north or south
Industry sources say that the Government is not developed any mining plan that seeks to shape a truly global one sector gear which many others depend downstream.
Now the big question is how an industry recovers whose GDP had a variation of -23.9% in the first half of the year and in which the major local companies are "literally" paralyzed?
The blunt answer Camiven president is that the first is "to spend much money "and" look for the best ".
"We need to reestablish the mining sector, because of this many items depend downstream. It can not stay like this, "he said.
The great paradox that stands Rojas is illegal and informal mining produces more gold than the great legal gold mining , and ends by green paths, in spite of the decree that requires producers to sell all the metal to the Central Bank of Venezuela.
For entrepreneurs that live in the area, another factor that gives clear indication of the deterioration of the industry is the shortage of human resources and the lack of young people to choose careers related to the activity.
According to the data handled by Rojas, this year will graduate in the country about 15 engineering geologists and mining, while those who had gone to seek their fortunes in other latitudes.
"Specifically, no new resources are not generating them, and those who had escaped . The few that operate deplete what remains and cause serious damage to the mines, "he said.
According to spokesmen linked to mining official, the crisis is not new at the moment , but a process that has been generated gradually by the Government, which was given the task of bringing the country to the world's largest gold mining and other items important.
However, the final thrust to reach the worst year in the history of Venezuelan mining law was nationalized gold.
Sources say gold sector for industry to thrive , that law should be relaxed. They claim that the Decree No. 8,413 with Rank, Value and Force of Organic Law which Reserves Activities Gold Exploration and Exploitation as well as Allied and Auxiliary has become an obstacle for this item.
The general lament is that this reality has been justly in a global prices demonstrates the highest ever recorded for this metal.
"We could not take advantage as a nation these quotes. If they had , Venezuela would be positioned in the world as a producer of gold. We have one of the largest gold reserves in the world, "said an expert on the subject.
Of the few "efforts" government that is known is the so-called Mining Restructuring Plan that was enacted in June 2006 to resolve the issue of illegal mining, but ended up being a complete failure, while the resources for that purpose was never known, industry sources said.
For now, the item is stopped and the eyes are on the current honeymoon with Chinese partners , who were entrusted with the task of lifting mining and producing.

Leer más en: http://www.elmundo.com.ve/noticias/petroleo/mineria/2013-cerrara-como-el-ano-de-peor-desempeno-de-la-m.aspx#ixzz2jpLxjqGy

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