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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: TRADING

Good Question. Don't you believe it applies to everyone continuing to post/lurk - including yourself? How about you answering your own question? Regardless, I believe my answer would be somewhat similar to numerous others who continue to post/lurk....

I, "hang around," this board with HOPE that someone, anyone, will provide verifiable DD supporting the claims that there is nothing to worry about in the Crystallex situation and holding revoked shares. Unfortunately, as yet, that has not been the case. Verifiable DD does not include Crystallex (currently dark and unaccountable to anyone) affirming anything unless by PR or voluntary public filing.
Also, I "hang around" for friendships and entertainment value.
Think that about covers the, "hang around," question.

Also, Osmo, you oddly noted, "... your shares are worthless?"
Really? Just mine? Where did that conclusion come from?
Certainly not me, especially since no such words were in my post.
Numerous posts here provide certain stock information, but does it really mean the contributor thinks specifically in that certain way?
Appears it is YOUR own conclusion noting, "... your shares are worthless?"
And, curiously, YOUR conclusion really says a lot more than just only my shares being worthless, now doesn't it? After all, "shares are shares," correct? Which begs the question... What does YOUR noted conclusion really say about all Crystallex shares, including your own?
To be clear, I do not necessarily agree, or disagree, with YOUR conclusion.

Good luck to you, and everyone here, holding Crystallex shares.

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