Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: coucou! why so slow here?

1) Nothing that is pertinent to Crystallex and which does not violate the six rules gets flagged and deleted...anymore.

2) Who felt abused?

3) Who now abuses?

4) While you are influential and a monitor, I believe, why do you persist in stirring the pot with provocative comments?

5) Please post some interesting info relative to Crystallex sometimes, like ifeelyellow does, rather than always talking about what people on the board are doing or saying or feeling.

6) People here are free to go to other Boards anytime. Those here, like me, are here because we want to be. I personally don't care where other people who were here are now, as in on other Boards. If I did, I would be there. I am interested in here. This is a good Board.

7) Even this post probably should be in the OT forum, as should this entire thread. I would make plea now to those here, to talk exclusively about Crystallex, to obey the six rules, and to feel free to chase other personalities where ever you wish, but don't pollute the Board here with endless discussion about it. Perhaps feel free to vent these thoughts and feelings on the OT Board.

Best to all and I hope we are prosperous and happy.


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