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Message: RML - Articles, Agapov and ICSID

Alert Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Mines

By: Antonio García Romero | Friday, 11/21/2014 1:08 PM| Print

The Agrominera the Camorra, AGROMINCA Civil Association at one time had the concession of the Venezuelan state for the Mining Sector exploitation in La Camorra, the parish Dalla Costa del Municipio Sifontes, Bolivar state. It was the community of San Rafael organized for gold mining, the Civil Partnership Agrominca signed an agreement with the company LAMIN, Plough Miners CA, in the agreement sponsored by the leadership of Agrominca, the company LAMIN undertook to benefit members community housing and voiding up to 15 million bolivars for the purchase of supplies, residents pledged to immediately leave the house located in the area of San Rafael and the company, also the company to compensate the beneficiaries was fully authorized to demolish the house. This happened in 2007. That is Agrominca sold his dignity transnational gold and mining rights. They also received 40,000 bolivars and gave up their mining rights Agrominca business rights of miners with companies of Agapov brothers, these Russians were proud to say that had the support of the national government and used two characters of the region as representatives of their companies, Pablo Zambrano and José Manuel Rodríguez, in any action or protest against mining policies of President Chavez used the community of San Rafael, because a group kept on the payroll of the company to use against nefarious plans against government to achieve their personal economic benefits. In 2003 several civil or cooperatives in Corporación Venezolana de Mining associations are organized to address national government policies on gold mining companies and defend the Agapov brothers, call Rusoro Minning , PMG, corporation 80000, CA, Mineria MS, CA All these companies have always supported the coup activities of the Venezuelan right and have used the miners south to their interests bastards, so they opposed the policy of nationalizing businesses Gold equally oppose RESOLUTION No. 06.09.03 Central Bank of Venezuela, in its Article 1 .- saying "any natural or legal, public or private, authorized by the competent national authority to sell gold and their alloys, rods, cast, coinage, manufactured or otherwise, shall allocate the domestic market, at least seventy percent (70%) of its total gold production caused within each calendar quarter, within the national territory; as such, sixty percent (60%) shall be offered for sale, necessarily the Central Bank of Venezuela and ten percent (10%) will go to the national processing sector. ... Thirty percent (30%) Remaining may be exported in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of this Order. However, in cases where the producer does not intend to make any export or has been denied the origin of it, that percentage shall be offered for sale in its entirety to the Banco Central de Venezuela. These groups still faced policies national government and the resolution of the BCV, create different organizations, one is the mining unit of the South, they do believe that this formed by artisanal miners, but the facade, because behind large buyers domestic and international moving and gold transnational corporations that want to seize the wealth of the Venezuelan subsurface., a sample of which is the famous bar that held in 2002 they performed with the aim of collecting signatures for Lamin and mining MS, CA from getting into the business of gold mining in the area of San Rafael de la Camorra and made ​​this closing track at km "0" of the trunk 10 for submission to the national government and pretending they were miners signatories and were detained citizens or paralyzed with their vehicles in the queue and one of the conditions to unlock the way, was that all citizens signed and managed to pick up some 4000 signatures. Whose signatures submitted Chavez in Ciudad Bolivar, making him believe that these were signatures of the miners, the President with all the good intentions will sign the right to operate businesses, including LAMIN and MS, companies which were then delivered to Agapov Group . Thirty workers AGROMINCA presented at the 2006 complaint with the Labour Court of Puerto Ordaz by payment of differences in social benefits against companies MINING MS, CA; Lamin Plough Corporation Mining and 80,000 CA, CA, no paid labor old concepts, utilities, vacation, overtime and night shift bonus power. Workers began to serve for Agrominera Civil Association La Camorra (AGROMINCA) in 2003, in the exploitation of gold vein called "San Rafael" and "Pleasure" in the Sifontes municipality of Bolivar State and thereafter 2004, their constituents were the subject of a substitution of trustee in companies Lamin Plough Mining, CA and CA Corporation 80,000 until the date of termination of the employment relationship, being distributed the payroll of the Civil Association Agrominera La Camorra, between mentioned companies. It is noteworthy that always appear in all these companies figures Pablo Zambrano and José Manuel Rodríguez in policies of these companies, apparently and allegedly are figureheads of Agapov group. The decision of the labor courts favored workers, which these companies have not yet paid benefits to workers. The National Government, President Nicolas Maduro, Minister of Petroleum and Mining, Asdrubal Chavez and Deputy Ministers of Mines, which Gold these transnational groups will continuously r with his opposition political far right and trying to link the real mining mining struggles with their economic sovereignty and interests, so this will revive the Civil Partnership Agrominca together with the Venezuelan Mining Corporation and Mining Unit South MUD arms to oppose and develop policies to defend the interests of transnational funding these mercenaries and are very active lately Edgar Romero, Telmo Fajardo, Pablo Zambrano, Luis Rivas, and Nelson Rivas " The niche "; one of its objectives in this group that plays the game and is funded by transnational gold is hindering the work and prosecutions are doing a cooperative they are with the revolutionary process, the legacy of our eternal Commander, President Chavez, These Cooperatives are FREE PEOPLE, NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH, which have always been present in the area of San Rafael de la Camorra, reguardado the property of the nation and have the letter of intent, cooperatives remained in the fight and fulfilling all I scheduled with national government agencies that regulate the matter. Mature and Vice President and Minister of Mines, I repeat this group is linked to the mining unit of the South, who are people tied to the far right who are against mining policies and continue to work for transnational gold. antoniogarciaromero1961 @ outlook .is Transnational Gold disguised return to South

By: Antonio García Romero | Thursday, 12/04/2014 2:29 PM| Print

The economic power of the Agapov threatens the small mining, but for such outrages have their parts in state institutions and have their lobbyists at the highest government and the mining area have their pawns for a few grams of gold are willing to sell their souls to the devil and lands. Orlando Cedeño held the post of attorney mines twice in the municipalities of El Callao and Sifontes, acquitted MINING PROMOTER OF GUYANA (PMG) RUSORO MINING GROUP Agapov, this is instrumental in the appetites of transnational corporations to strip small-scale miners from their concessions, from his position as manager of small mining company MINERVEN makes your work with the conspirators who are willing to experiment in certain sectors subtracting the mining rights residents of the area. If it is true that the principles of MINERVEN is the ethical, moral, social and political commitment to build collective management processes among workers, has in its staff, people like Orlando Cedeño conspiring against mining policy our President Nicolas Maduro, who faithfully fulfill the mandates of the eternal Commander Hugo Chavez. Another ally of multinationals is Mrs. Rosa Ventura, Orlando Cedeño work in the Office of mines in El Callao, two years working with PMG of Agapov group now has a position in the company MINERVEN. Nestor Hernandez vice president of operations Rusoro Mining in 2011 the Agapov group in the Bolívar Mine which was operated by Minera MS. Antonio Rivas representative of the Mining Unit South, other than has always played for the side of the transnationals. Other nefarious characters linked and accomplices of all the adventures of TNCs operating in tandem, Pablo Zambrano and José Manuel Rodríguez, nicknamed The Jackal, striking that always appear in all these companies figures Pablo Zambrano and José Manuel Rodríguez in policies of these companies, apparently and allegedly are figureheads of Agapov group. Zambrano also appears in mind civil partnership and cooperative, as the Venezuelan Mining Corporation and Agrominca, always acting together and handled on small groups of miners for their individual and political interests make political opposition against mining policies of the national government , opposed to the policy of nationalization of gold and Resolution No. 06.09.03 Central Bank of Venezuela. These five people are involved in their claims to strip miners in San Rafael de la Camorra and El Placer and used for such purposes Agrominera Civil Association La Camorra (AGROMINCA) This group is hindering the small miner and trying to deprive them of their mineral rights to deliver on a silver platter and let the group organized in cooperatives which have been protecting and safeguarding these spaces Agapov the desires of the group and its lackeys, its sole purpose is to experiment and make a beachhead to face the national government, with AGROMINCA seek these days make an invasion of Sector San Rafael Camorra and Pleasure of Municipality Sifontes, this group at the service of transnational will argue that they are entitled to work, they know they have support from communities, because Agrominca in the past sold their dignity and mineral rights. They have the advice of counsel Franklin Daniels, besides this group in their quest to take over the mines and deceive the government live created associations, cooperatives and clubs, most recently formalized a call Labor Agroecology Movement Mining to small and medium scale, formed by the same individuals who have the gold rush and are organizations disguised as revolutionary to act against mining policies of the Venezuelan state. What they want is to take over mining rights have been fighting, filling out and supporting the national government in its mining policy, now this group linked to the opposition and stateless linked to the mining unit of the South, we all know in the mining arm MUD. Again the call to President Maduro, Minister of Petroleum and Mining, Asdrubal Chavez and deputy ministers of Mines, the president of the MINERVEN Company, Engineer José Ávila, which on the payroll of the company MINERVEN there are managers and others involved important positions in the service of transnational gold advise and give information to this group will continue its opposition political far right and trying to sabotage the real miners This group does not agree with the mining sovereignty and only defend their economic interests and, for the next few days trying to create chaos and revive guarimbas the sole purpose of opposing the national government and its mining policies. Alert and vigilant Maduro President and Minister Asdrubal Chavez. antoniogarciaromero1961@outlook.es
Right to Reply to the article "The Transnational Gold disguised return to the South" by Antonio García Romero

By: (MAMPME) Agroecology Movement Mining Small and Medium Scale | Tuesday, 12/23/2014 8:18 a.m.| Print

Right to Reply to the article "The Transnational Gold disguised return to the South" by Antonio García Romero published in www.aporrea.org/.contraloria/a1 999301.htm ;

(MAMPME) Agroecology Movement Mining Small and Medium Scale

The undersigned, EVELIO DUEÑAS BARRERA, EDGAR RAFAEL ROMERO MORENO, LUIS OMAR PEREZ JONNY Calletano VALLES, JESUS ​​RAMON GONZALEZ AGUILERA, ADOLFO LEATHER HINESTROSA, BOLAÑO RAFAEL ANTONIO MUNOZ, FELIX ENRIQUE RAMOS SALAZAR, EUGENIA JOSEFA, RAMOS GUZMAN, CARLOS JULIO GUISA ARIZA, VICENTE JUAN HERRERA, VICTOR EDINSON, LUNA MENDOZA VICENTE SUAREZ, VICTOR CACERES JULIO QUINTERO, JOSHUA GARCIA MARTINEZ, FURGENCIO YGNACIO PEREZ, ARAY ADOLFO RAFAEL, SANTOS MARIA URBINA ROA, MARCELO JOSE MORENO, DIOGENES VELIZ; Member of the Board of Agrominera THE CIVIL ASSOCIATION CAMORRA AC (AGROMINCA.), we reject as published by Antonio García Romero on December 4, 2014 in the digital page called www.aporrea.org/.contraloria/a1999301.htm ; an article that refers broadly to an alleged destabilization plan that threatens the national government and small miners organized and funded by a powerful economic group linked to transnational; I quote; "The economic power of attentive Agapov against small-scale mining, but for such outrages have their parts in state institutions and have their lobbyists at the highest government and the mining area have their pawns for a few grams of gold are willing to sell their souls to the devil and lands. "

"... The acquitted MINING PROMOTER GUAYANA (PMG) RUSORO MINING GROUP Agapov, this is key in the appetites of transnational corporations to strip miners small concessions ..." According to these serious allegations the enclave of a group of people by mining organizations intend to deliver mine south again to transnational and used for such purpose some organizational figures as he himself (Romero) quoted below; "Zambrano also appears in mind civil partnership and cooperative, as the Venezuelan Mining Corporation and AGROMINCA, always acting together and handled on small groups of miners for their individual and political interests make political opposition against the government's mining policies national, opposed to the policy of nationalization of gold and Resolution No. 06.03.09 Central Bank of Venezuela ".

On several occasions made clear the intention of putting bad in the eyes of national government Agrominera Civil Association La Camorra (AGROMINCA); This was evident when a second time makes it look in your writing I quote again; "... Strip miners in San Rafael de la Camorra and El Placer and for such purposes Agrominera used to Civil Association La Camorra (AGROMINCA)"

Again for the third time Romero returns to cite our organization purposes to create you a bad image of our organization as displayed in the following snippet of its publication quote; "With AGROMINCA seek these days make an invasion of Sector San Rafael Camorra and Pleasure of Sifontes municipality, this group of transnational service will argue that they are entitled to work, they know they have community support because AGROMINCA in the past sold their dignity and mineral rights. "

As a response to this approach by Romero; which by the way is totally false from all falsehood, because at the present time AGROMINCA our organization has a different policy to which he quotes in his article and is serving the nation and not to any transnational as pointed out in his writing; so much so that our regulations and statutes were restructured and adjusted to the new legal order established in the first place the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Plan of the motherland and the new Law of gold; he lets on our commitment and loyalty to the revolutionary principles of our Chavista and Madurista Government; and as for the downstream work with our small miners themselves through this press release that will become a document with their respective firms which demonstrate what this organization has been working towards organizational policies and exploitation posed the government's mining through the recent enactment of the law of gold, in which the associative forms for the operation and gold production lines and for this set have created a movement to allow the relaunching of these organizations Such is the case of the Labor Movement Mining Agroecológico small and medium scale, this man who incidentally also attacks on the following; I quote,

"... Recently formalized a call Labor Movement Mining Agroecológico small and medium scale, formed by the same individuals who have the gold rush and are disguised as revolutionary organizations to act against mining policies of the Venezuelan state. They intended to is to take over mining rights have been fighting, filling out and supporting the national government in its mining policy, now this group linked to the opposition and stateless linked to the mining unit of the South, we all know in the mining arm of the MUD. "

The latter approach Romero giving is laughter; because most of those who make up this movement (Labor Movement Mining Agroecológico small and medium scale) are affected persons Revolutionary process; so much so that several regional press notes which can support the President Maduro in their approaches regarding this matter, second order and social reason thereof attached to the legal system promoted by the state is evident first government; and thirdly separation and demarcation of it with the Mining Unit South, by the way the latter composed mostly of cooperatives; in this sense we want to make clear that these statements of this gentleman Romero are biased and misleading playing the failure of management that just started for attachment to the new mining legislation, mining the vast majority of people who only want to work the mines with support from the government headed Chavez's son Nicolas Maduro; thus demonstrated that statements of this "citizen" have a political and economic interest backdrop.

Right to Reply to article "The Transnational Gold disguised return to the South" by Antonio García Romero published in www.a porrea.org /.Contra loria / a1999301.htm; http://www.aporrea.org/busqueda?cx=partner-pub-6906805909929912%3A6855143968&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=rusoro&siteurl=www.aporrea.org%2Fregionales%2Fa200182.html&ref=www.google.ca%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3D%26esrc%3Ds%26frm%3D1%26source%3Dnewssearch%26cd%3D11%26ved%3D0CBoQqQIoADAAOAo%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.aporrea.org%252Fregionales%252Fa200182.html%26ei%3DN4qZVI39MNW1sQTDz4CoAQ%26usg%3DAFQjCNGnm57cld2wWHQV9UCWiPkH9LnGkQ&ss=3517j3586425j5 ICSID -

November 12, 2014 Following exchanges between the parties, the Tribunal issues a decision on admissibility of evidence and hearing dates.
November 26, 2014 The Tribunal issues Procedural Order No. 4A concerning procedural matters.
December 4, 2014 Following exchanges between the parties, the Tribunal issues Procedural Order No. 5 concerning production of documents, admissibility of evidence and procedural matters.
December 7, 2014 - December 12, 2014 The Tribunal holds a hearing on jurisdiction and the merits in Washington, D.C.
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