This opt in process is a chance to tell the judge that we got screwed and we are not happy. Opting in allows us shareholders a chance to show the judge who we are. It doesn't matter if you own a million shares or a hundred. We were cheated and lied to and we want the judge to know this. We want him to know that his decision to give everything to Tenor has hurt many people not just the 8 who are on the committee.
The time to stand up has come. We have waited many years with little or no hope and now we can be heard.
Let everyone who has shares and has not contacted Gowlings know now is the time.
I've seen the question about if there is a deadline to opt in. I don't think there is a deadline to opt in but there is a deadline to have your shares count with the judge. Sitting on the sidelines with your shares doesn't help show the judge we are the many not the few.