As I asked before what is the litagation so far?
Oct 15, 2015; Jan 11, 2016; Feb 17, 2016; Mar 14, 2016, Apr 6, 2016 and Apr 11, 2016 are what I recall off the top of my head. This doesn't include depositions, disclosure and all the preparatory communciation and work that goes on.
If the 12% has not been under threat
There is no "if". It has not been under threat - fact.
explain your 20/1 ratio to me
For every $1 Crystallex has shareholders "own" about 5 cents net (based on what we know now).
you would be getting more because we had to pay Gowling to fight for more and you decided to suckle away at our expense
Yes, exactly correct although I might use words less bitter.