Okay, I'll reintroduce myself. Rob Bonger can vouch for whom I am.
I first bought in shortly before the court setback in 1999 (?). I attended the AGM in Vancouver in 2000(?).
I attended the Toronto AGM's in 2001-2002 where I got to meet most of the KRY people as Av took me to their offices a couple of times. I even own a company logo tshirt. I got to attend the pre-meetings for some shareholders. In those days I was an active poster on two of the previous forum locations. (as bkb or bkbruce)
At the 2004 AGM, I was the first person to publically and formally challenge RF on executive compensation. I was the person who forced a wriiten vote on one of their self-serving compensation/bonus resolutions.
wow, writing this post made me think about a long this saga really has been. I believe that we're close to getting something, but I fear that it will be athe very lowside of expectations.