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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: What is with this?

I was led on for years by my Financial advisor, a guy I know now as a salesman. He tells me he bought 500k shares of the stuff, no way to verify that though, I kept the hope up for years, even met Mr Fung in Toronto at the KRY office on King St. I am now left with nothing, a fool for sure...when you think of it, I could have bought Royal Bank, who in their right mind would invest in a Gold Mine in Venezsuela. Greed is what did it to me....and falling for the story... The salesman did OK by selling me the stuff... he is long retired and disappeared. The Firm he worked for won't take any respoonsibility, they just say "we no longer follow Crystellax". it is no wonder why the advisors always seem to do better than the clients. 

Learn from your mistakes, the best I can do, my retirement is a long way off now, I finished 30 years in the Navy but will knuckle on with working as a security guard and maybe a paper route... 

what a fool I am...

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