Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America


The short version of "LAWYERS CONTRIBUTION TO WEALTH IN SOCIETY".  They do not create wealth. They take away from wealth. They feed on the backs of others who have created and developed wealth. When it comes to creating, developing, making, building for the betterment of society, lawyers contribute nothing. Lawyers are takers. They create laws and from these laws they mine income and personal wealth.

Like referees in a football game. They run around impose rules and penalties for which they get paid to do while players do all the work for agony, frustration and reward. Relaxing life. Don't care who wins they get paid anyway.

There isn't one single thing in the world where lawyers build or create anything. Engineers create things; Coal miners mine coal to provide energy to run industry. And so on. Building the infrastructure worthwhile for the betterment and comfort of mankind. Inventions. The Doers. Sources of wealth for lawyers.

If i were a cartoonist I woulds show a blimp size lawyer sucking off the teat of a withered  udder like KRY. And when the udder is completely dried up it floats away seeking another teat whether the one it left is solved or not.

Good luck everyone. Hope there is still some left for the underdogs.



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