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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: The U.S. Justice Department Acknowledges that Venezuela Owes Crystallex the ICSID Award


Past experience tells us how this thing will evolve:

1.- The Delaware court will allow the CITGO shares option to proceed unless Venezuela and the U.S. find an alternative solution,

2.- Venezuela will appeal the decision to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals to continue its delay strategy,

3.- The Third District Court of Appeals will deny the appeal on arrival,

4.- A request for Certiorari to the Supreme Court will not be made because it would mean adding injury to the insult made with the previous cert. request. Here, it is important to understand that lawyers representing a party before a U.S. court is an officer of the court. And a self-respecting lawyer would never agree to injure the intelligence of the Justices on the Supreme Court with a frivolous cert. request and risk becoming "invisible" in future cases at the Court.


5.- The case will be kicked back to the Delaware District Court for execution and Venezuela will miraculously, at the very last minute, find the way to pay Crystallex; and Guido (or most likely his replacement, because he is currently hanging by a thread) becomes the hero that saved CITGO.   


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