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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: The U.S. Justice Department Acknowledges that Venezuela Owes Crystallex the ICSID Award


I would suggest you check your sources.

The Treasury Dept. / OFAC will not go stand in the way of President Trump and Secretary Mnuchin any time soon. 

White House Statement From President Donald J. Trump Recognizing Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela FOREIGN POLICY

January 29, 2019

·         President Trump officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela on January 23.

·         The Administration has authorized Guaido to receive Venezuelan Government assets held at the United States Federal Reserve and other insured United States financial institutions.

o   Venezuela’s legitimate government, led by Guaido, must be allowed to safeguard its assets for the benefit of the Venezuelan people.

·         The Trump Administration is blocking assets in the United States owned or controlled by Venezuela’s state-owned oil company.

o   This action will further international efforts to disconnect Maduro and his cronies from their revenue sources, while preserving critical assets for the future of Venezuela.


Steven T. Mnuchin

“The United States is holding accountable those responsible for Venezuela's tragic decline. We will continue to use all of our diplomatic and economic tools to support Interim President Guaidó, the National Assembly, and the Venezuelan people's efforts to restore their democracy.”


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