Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Court Calander Silverstein

I believe it is critical that as many of us as possible sign in to listen to the call. This will be where Crystallex tells the court that Adelso is the only person complaining. We need the court to know there are hundreds of shareholders who have an interest in getting the proper amount from VZ and the proper amount to share holders inspite of Kry leaving 1 billion on the table.

I've struggled a long time to understand why Kry wouldn't ask for all monies owing and believe I finanally understand. If the get what is owed then they will have broken the usury law in Canada.

The Criminal Code makes it an offence to (1) enter into an agreement or arrangement to receive interest at a rate exceeding 60% effective annual rate (EAR); and (2) receive interest at a rate exceeding 60% EAR.

This could open the door for not only criminal action but shareholder action to recover what was stolen.

We probably won't get the information about registering to call in until a few deays before so make sure everyone does so and calls in even if you can't listen to all of it.


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