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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: 5 weeks to go...

5 weeks to go...

posted on Jun 01, 2008 04:53PM

For all you geniuses out there, you giants of intellectual analysis, the last time that Hugs Chavez said all mining permits would be cancelled was September 19, 2005.

It took 10 weeks for Hugs to straighten that out in 2005 where the stock turned around in November 2005. Check your charts if you don't believe me. We are 5 weeks into the exact same thing. My view is that the turn around will be this month.

If you do your research, and go back and read during that 2005 period you find that the bloggers were all committing suicide, whining, and analyzing, and falling on their swords and proclaiming Armageddon had arrived. The geniuses knew everything then too and were sure the world was coming to an end. Wha!

Too funny.

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