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Message: 77 murders in May...

77 murders in May...

posted on Jun 02, 2008 02:17AM

The correlation between poverty and violence is apparent...

77 murders in May
Monday, 02 June 2008

A total of 77 murders were recorded during May throughout the state of Bolivar, for which this month was marked as one of the most violent in history in the entity.
The unofficial figure, because the police refused to provide numbers, reveals that the town Caroní the highest rate of reported crimes with 56, followed by Heres with 17. Meanwhile, the southern region was not exempt from balance red since early this month was a quadruple homicide in Sifontes.
Even during the early hours of June were reported killed six citizens between Puerto Ordaz and San Felix, so it appears that the "feast" of homicides continue filling of tragedy for the people of the area of iron.

Armando Arevalo Bravo
Photo Anibal Barreto

Pacheco was finalized in view of the Sun alongside a friend
During Saturday night and afternoon of Sunday, 8 people were killed in Ciudad Guayana. Seven of the crimes were perpetrated in San Felix, while the Core 8, in Puerto Ordaz, was the scene of another homicide.

In Brisas del Paraiso a woman and her nephew were killed in street Las Flores, while taking beer at home a few neighbors. They say that after 11:00 in the evening of Saturday, several men arrived in a car and from the outside of the house, they started firing at the 8 people who were gathered.

Yamilenas Coromoto Rivas, 41 years old, was hit by bullets when they tried to escape the hail of gunfire, while his nephew Eduardo Jose Rivas Rivas, 21, also died in the same circumstances.

In addition to the fatalities, a girl and another man were also wounded in the shooting, but fortunately lived to tell.

They assured that the gunmen did not have a fixed target, but insisted that the two victims were healthy people and are unlikely to find the murderers directly to them.

The lady was a young mother of 7 and had eight grandchildren, while his nephew was residing on the road to El Rosario, where a home care.

"We do not know who they were, because we were not there. Unica told us that arrived shooting and nothing more," said one of the daughters of the murdered woman.

Relatives and neighbors preferred to maintain caution and preferred to reserve the names of the murderers.

During May, two youths were killed in this sector and one of them was shot in his own house, just down the street where it happened this double homicide.

At dawn
The feast of deaths continued during the early hours of this Sunday and 1:00 in the morning, Jesus Carlos Gonzalez, aged 23, was murdered in his own house. According to law enforcement authorities, the victim was known about taking liquor and in the midst of the celebration, a man who arrived without a word, shot him with a poplar in the head.

Alleged the boy did not offer details of the identity of the murderer, but revenge is the scenario that takes more strength.

In the main avenue of March 25, also a crime occurred shortly after 2:00 in the morning. The victim was identified as Jonathan Colmenares Virgilio Urbano, 19 years old, and according to preliminary versions of fact, two men came up to where the party was with some friends and he was shot in the head.

Witnesses to the incident, ensure that it addressed two subjects in the back and without asking a lot, you propinaron shot shotgun and assume that a treaty has been confusion.

Alleged assured that the boy had no problems with anyone and by the testimony of those present and the characteristics of the fact that the presumed confused.

They explained that since a few months ago worked in a shop in downtown San Felix and who lived in the avenue Menca Leoni of Bella Vista.

"The left as the house at 10:00 at night because they went for about 15 years and there became everything. He was outside the house and had removed his shirt and was in franelilla, so I think it confused with someone else, "said an associate of the young.

Also at Core 8
At approximately 3:00 in the morning, Merwis Rafael Gonzalez Rivas, aged 21, was also killed, but the block 93 of Core 8. The man was shot in the head, just in front of his residence while conducting a party.

Alleged to Gonzalez commented that working as a miner and had returned to their home after being away for a few weeks. Presumably because they thought that the robbers killed, although the authorities do not rule that has been dealt a vengeance.

The security forces reported that some acquaintances took him to the emergency room of Puerto Ordaz Uyapar Hospital, but died within a few minutes after his admission.

In another development, a young man of about 25 years old and has not yet been identified, was found lifeless on the sidewalk 16 of Dona Barbara.

Neighbors in this sector ensured that not heard anything and realized the presence of the body almost at dawn, but estimated that the death may have occurred between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning.

"Failure was around here. As at 7:00 in the morning took him away the PTJ and almost everyone saw it, but not recognized," said a neighbor, who also noted that the boy had two shots in their heads and wore black trousers and yellow flannel.

"The Point" to attack
During Sunday morning the scene seemed tranquil, but at 5:00 in the afternoon the action began again. This time, members of the banda of "The Point", another double crime perpetrated in the Route 1 of the Sun Vista, just metres from the Fire Station and blocks of a voting centre which included several members of the Plan Republic.

Samuel Aponte Silva, aged 21, and Jean Carlos Pacheco, 23, would visit some friends, when they were approached by several men who walked in a car and cornered while walking down a sidewalk.

Residents heard at least some 8-detonations and when they tried to rescue the boys were dying in the midst of a huge pool of blood.

"In a Pick-Up took firefighters up there and took one of the boys to form on the Sun Vista and another at Guaiparo hospital, where he arrived dead," said a uniformed police state of Bolivar.

Pacheco arrived lifeless form on view at the Sun, after receiving 3 bullets in the chest, while Aponte also died in the transfer to the Hospital Dr. Raúl Leoni of Guaiparo.

Visibly powerless, Calixto Aponte, father of one of the victims, complained that "The Point" kill residents of the Sun Vista, without the authorities do something to curb violence. It ensures that both policemen, as officials Cicpc of Public Prosecutions and even collaborate with them directly and indirectly.

"One complaint and nothing happens. Everybody knows where they live Malandro and bring to the police, nobody will do anything," said Aponte, who drew "Chavo" integral as the most dangerous esta banda.

New record

In Caroní, nine people died this weekend in a period not exceeding 48 hours and that started from the early hours of Saturday, when several men cleared a student in the streets of Peru on April 11.

At 56 people who died until the last day of May, they added six more in the first few hours that passed in June. So far, 236 victims are accounted for in what has passed in 2008.

Those 56 deaths he joined the 17 that occurred in Ciudad Bolivar in May and four others in southern entity, for a total of 77 homicides raised throughout the entity in-so far-bloodiest month of the year.

On the other hand, it must be remembered that so far this year Ciudad Guayana has been the scene of 230 crimes.
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