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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Where to buy physical gold?

Where to buy physical gold?

posted on Nov 11, 2008 04:22PM


How to invest in gold

There is an increasingly wide range of methods available to investors wanting to buy gold, or gain exposure to gold price movements. From gold coins to complex structured financial products, the most appropriate way will depend on the requirements and outlook of the individual investor.

Coins and small bars

Exchange-traded gold

Gold accounts

Gold certificates

Gold orientated funds

Structured products

The distinction between the purchase of physical gold and gaining an exposure to movements in the gold price is not always clear, especially since it has always been possible to invest in bullion without actually taking physical delivery.

If you are thinking about investing gold, it is worth giving the same consideration to your purchase as you would to any other investment. The following list of questions is provided as a guide to help you decide on the channel or channels that would be most appropriate for you.

  • Why have you decided to buy gold?
  • Do you want a real asset that you can have physically available at all times or do you simply want exposure to the gold price?
  • Will you want to have the gold delivered to you or would you prefer to have it stored in a vault?
  • Do you have information about all the costs that may be involved? These may include taxes, commissions, premiums, storage or insurance.
  • Is the counterparty (the person or company from or through whom you will be making the purchase) reliable and trustworthy?
  • How does gold fit in with any other investments you may have?
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