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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America





TORONTO, Feb. 23 /CNW/ - YAMANA GOLD INC. (TSX:YRI; NYSE:AUY; LSE:YAU) today announced its financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2010. All dollar amounts are expressed in United States dollars unless otherwise specified.


- Record revenues of $535 million, more than 34% higher than the same
quarter in 2009
- Net earnings of $160 million or $0.22 per share, more than 340%
higher than the same quarter in 2009
- Record Adjusted Earnings of $173 million or $0.23 per share(1), an
increase of more than 70% from the same quarter in 2009
- Record fourth quarter operating cash flow of $265 million, $0.36 per
share,(1) an increase of 71%
- Production of 286,682 gold equivalent ounces (GEO)(1)(2) in the
fourth quarter at cash costs of negative $34 per GEO, which included
record production at El Penon of 113,800 GEO


- Record full year revenues of $1.7 billion, an increase of 43% over
- Record net earnings of $451 million or $0.61 per share, an increase
of more than 130% from 2009
- Record Adjusted Earnings of $451 million or $0.61 per share, 30%
higher than 2009
- Record full year operating cash flow of $747 million, or $1.01 per
share, representing an increase of 51%
- Record production from continuing operations for the year of
1,047,191 GEO at cash costs of $50 per GEO
- Positive construction decisions made on three projects during 2010;
Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique, QDD Lower West at Gualcamayo and Pilar. These
projects are on track for production start-up in 2012/2013
- Cash and cash equivalents of $330 million at December 31, 2010, an
increase of $160 million from 2009
- Debt decreased in 2010 by $45 million

"Our objective in 2010 was to create predictable and reliable operations while remaining committed to our core philosophies of sustainable production, operating in stable jurisdictions, growth and continued cost containment," said Yamana's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Peter Marrone. "We have achieved these objectives in 2010. This was an exceptional year for Yamana. In addition to achieving record revenues, record earnings and record cash flow, we made construction decisions on three new development projects which will add to production starting in 2012. We will increase production by over 60% in the next four years, continuing to deliver."


Three months ended Year ended
December 31, December 31,
2010 2009 2010 2009
Total GEO production 286,682 289,456 1,047,191 1,025,677
Gold production 243,407 238,438 864,768 835,265
Silver production (in
millions of ounces) 2.4 2.8 10.0 10.5
Copper production - (in
millions of pounds) 39.9 37.0 149.4 144.0

(in millions of US dollars
except for per share, per
GEO and per pound amounts)
Revenues $535.1 $399.8 $1,686.8 $1,183.3
Mine Operating Earnings $271.3 $184.3 $747.9 $467.5
Net earnings $160.4 $36.2 $451.4 $192.6
Adjusted Earnings(1) $173.3 $100.9 $451.2 $346.1
Cash flows from operating
activities $236.9 $211.2 $613.1 $528.0
Cash flows from operating
activities (before changes
in non-cash working
capital items) $265.5 $155.2 $746.7 $495.6
Co-product cash costs per
pound of copper (excluding
Alumbrera) $1.20 $1.05 $1.17 $0.99
By-product cash costs per
GEO(1) $(34) $38 $50 $123
Cash and cash equivalents $330.5 $170.0 $330.5 $170.0
Total Debt $486.6 $529.5 $486.6 $529.5

Basic Earnings per share $0.22 $0.05 $0.61 $0.26

Adjusted Earnings per share $0.23 $0.14 $0.61 $0.47
Cash flow per share (before
changes in non-cash working
capital items) $0.36 $0.21 $1.01 $0.68


Revenues for the three-month period ended December 31, 2010 were $535 million, an increase of 34% from the fourth quarter of 2009, and for the year were $1.7 billion, representing a 43% increase from the previous year.

Mine operating earnings for the three-month period ended December 31, 2010 were $271 million, an increase of 47% versus the comparable quarter in 2009, and for the year were $748 million, representing an increase of approximately 60% over 2009.

Adjusted Earnings for the three-month period ended December 31, 2010 were $173 million or $0.23 per share, an increase of more than 70% from the same quarter of 2009. Adjusted Earnings for the year were $451 million, or $0.61 per share, representing a 30% increase from the previous year. Net earnings for the three-month period ended December 31, 2010 were $160 million, or $0.22 per share, and record net earnings for the year were $451 million or $0.61 per share, representing increases of over 340% and 134% respectively.

Cash flows from continuing operations after changes in non-cash working capital items for the three-month period ended December 31, 2010 were $237 million, an increase of 12% from the previous year and for the full year were $613 million, representing a 16% increase from the previous year. Cash flows from continuing operations before changes in non-cash working capital items for the three-month period ended December 31, 2010 were $265.5 million or $0.36 per share and for the year were $747 million or $1.01 per share, representing a 71% and 51% increase from the previous year respectively.

Cash and cash equivalents as at December 31, 2010 were $330 million.

Production from continuing operations was 286,682 GEO for the quarter, including the Company's proportionate interest in production from the Alumbrera Mine of 14,061 gold ounces, compared with production from continuing operations of 289,456 GEO, including production of 11,544 gold ounces from Alumbrera, for the comparative quarter ended December 31, 2009.

By-product cash costs from continuing operations including Alumbrera averaged negative $34 per GEO and excluding Alumbrera were positive $45 per GEO in the quarter, compared with positive $38 per GEO and positive $111 per GEO, respectively, in the fourth quarter of 2009. Co-product cash costs from continuing operations including Alumbrera were $465 per GEO and excluding Alumbrera were $476 per GEO for the quarter compared with $366 per GEO and $369 per GEO, respectively, for the fourth quarter of 2009.

Copper production for the quarter ended December 31, 2010 was 39.9 million pounds from the Chapada Mine, compared with 37.0 million pounds for the fourth quarter 2009. Co-product cash costs per pound of copper were $1.20 for the quarter from the Chapada Mine versus $1.05 per pound for the fourth quarter in 2009.

Operating Mines

A summary of mine-by-mine operating results can be found on the final page of this press release.

Chapada, Brazil

Chapada produced a total of 36,965 ounces of gold in the fourth quarter compared with 42,216 ounces of gold in the fourth quarter of 2009. Planned lower gold production in the quarter, compared with the fourth quarter of 2009, was mainly due to lower ore grades, despite higher tonnage of ore mined and processed.

Production of copper from Chapada was 39.9 million pounds in the fourth quarter compared to 37.0 million pounds during the comparable period in 2009.

Chapada produced 135,613 ounces of gold and 149.4 million pounds of copper for the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2010.

By-product cash costs for the quarter were negative $2,863 per GEO, compared with negative $1,468 per GEO for the same quarter of 2009. Higher by-product cash costs credits reflect the strength of copper prices and increased copper production at Chapada.

El Penon, Chile

El Penon had record production of 113,800 GEO during the fourth quarter and 427,934 GEO for the year 2010. Production for the quarter consisted of 74,785 ounces of gold and 2.1 million ounces of silver, compared with 109,979 GEO, which consisted of 62,199 ounces of gold and 2.6 million ounces of silver produced in the fourth quarter of 2009. This represents a 3.5% quarter-over-quarter increase in 2010 versus 2009 production on a GEO basis.

Higher gold production was mainly due to an increase in tonnage of ore processed, positive variation in gold grade, and higher recovery rates compared with the same quarter of 2009. Since conversion to owner-mining, dilution has decreased and feed grade has improved. This combined with increased capacity and the mining of higher grade veins including the North Block area and Bonanza has led to increased production. The decrease in silver production was primarily the result of planned lower grade and recovery rates at the mine.

Cash costs were $421 per GEO in the fourth quarter, compared with $382 per GEO in the fourth quarter in 2009. The appreciation of the Chilean Peso was the main contributing factor to the increased cash costs. The average currency exchange rate of the Chilean Peso versus the United States Dollar went up by 9% from the fourth quarter of 2009.

Jacobina, Brazil

Production at Jacobina was 33,718 ounces of gold in the fourth quarter, an increase of 36% from production of 24,866 ounces of gold in the fourth quarter of 2009. Continuous improvement in mine planning and optimization of the processing plant and milling capacity, increased development work, and an increased number of working stopes, were the contributing factors to the improved performance. Reliability of the mining plan benefited from additional infill drilling. The recovery rate at Jacobina for the fourth quarter was 94.1% compared to 90.9% for the fourth quarter of 2009. Production for the year 2010 at Jacobina was 122,160 gold ounces compared to 110,515 in the comparable quarter in 2009, an increase of 10%.

Cash costs averaged $495 per ounce of gold for the fourth quarter compared to $597 per ounce of gold in the fourth quarter of 2009, representing a quarter-over-quarter improvement of 17%.

Gualcamayo, Argentina

Gualcamayo produced 36,239 ounces of gold in the fourth quarter compared with 59,118 ounces produced in the fourth quarter of 2009. Fourth quarter grade and recovery rate began to show improvement compared to the grade of 0.87 g/t and recovery rate of 57.8% of the third quarter. Gold production for the year totaled 135,140 ounces compared with 98,641 commercial gold ounces in 2009. Gualcamayo also produced 44,830 ounces of gold during the commissioning period in the first half of 2009.

During the third quarter, the mine commenced an upgrade of the current plant's capacity by increasing throughput to 1,500 tonnes per hour. Ore was transported by truck while the conveyor belts were down, contributing to the steep rise in cash costs, which were $662 per gold ounce for the quarter compared with $290 per ounce in the fourth quarter of 2009. Cost improvement started in January 2011, with gold ounces being produced at average cash costs of $427 per ounce.

In July 2010, a new zone was discovered during the development of the Rodado tunnel, which is intended to reach and facilitate drilling of QDD Lower West. The Company will continue its exploration drilling effort to outline the potential and the dimension of this zone in 2011. Currently, the Rodado discovery is not in the Company's resource model.

In 2011, the Company will focus on a number of operational initiatives, including efforts in ensuring the 1,500 tonne/hour feed through the mill at a sustainable level, fleet expansion, underground development of QDD Lower West and expansion of the heap leach pad at Valle Norte. In addition, the Company will work on reducing reliance on contractors for increased cost predictability.

Minera Florida, Chile

Minera Florida produced a total of 32,048 GEO in the current quarter compared with 24,198 GEO in the fourth quarter of 2009. The 32% quarter-over-quarter increase was mainly the result of the expansion project, implementation of a change in the mining method to accommodate the completed expansion and more effectively mining in narrower veins. The throughput expansion project was completed in the first quarter of 2009. Production for the year of 2010 was 105,604 GEO compared to 91,877 GEO for 2009, an increase of 15% despite the interruption by the massive earthquake of February 27, 2010. Cash costs for the fourth quarter were $479 per GEO compared with $365 per GEO in the same quarter in 2009.

The Company's expansion project at Minera Florida, which involves the processing of historical tailings has advanced according to plan. Tailings re-processing is expected to add 40,000 GEO per year for five years to current production at Minera Florida beginning in early 2012.

During 2010, significant effort was spent on converting mineral resources to mineral reserves at Polvorin, Centenario, Marquis Sur, Veta Central and Rafael, underground exploration drilling at the north end of the mine and district exploration drilling at Mila.

The Company's exploration efforts at and around the mine have resulted in the discovery of Victoria, a high grade deposit, in October 2010. Victoria and Tribuna Norte will be the focus of the Company's exploration at Minera Florida in 2011. Exploration will continue in the areas surrounding the mine with the objective of identifying new ounces to replace mineral resources and mineral reserves. In 2011, the Company will optimize mining haulage and logistics by ore pass construction. A higher capacity power line being built by the Energy Agency will also reduce blackouts at the mine and help to improve efficiency of mine operations.

Fazenda Brasileiro, Brazil

The Fazenda Brasileiro mine produced 19,852 ounces of gold in the quarter and 70,084 ounces of gold for the year ended December 31, 2010. This compares to 17,535 ounces of gold and 76,413 ounces of gold during the respective periods in 2009. Cash costs for the fourth quarter and the year were $705 per ounce and $628 per ounce respectively, compared with $577 per ounce and $453 per ounce for the same periods in 2009.

The two new mineralization zones CLX2 and Lagoa do Gato, both discovered in 2009, are identified as having significant potential of high grade sources of ore for the mill. During the first half of 2010, the focus of exploration was on converting inferred mineral resources to indicated mineral resources. Both infill and extension drilling confirm the continuity of mineralization in both areas. In 2011, the Company will continue to develop the high grade reserves at CLX2, improve mine fleet cost using road trucks and focus on continuing to extend Fazenda Brasileiro's mine life.

Development Projects Update

A summary of the company's near-term development stage projects is provided below:

Expected Average
Contribution Expected Start-date
C1 Santa Luz (i) 100,000 gold ounces Late-2012
Mercedes 120,000 GEO Mid-2012
Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique (i) 100,000 gold ounces Late-2012
Pilar 120,000 gold ounces Early-2013
(i) In the first two full years of production at C1 Santa Luz, average
annual production is expected to exceed 130,000 ounces and at
Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique average annual production is expected to be
approximately 120,000 ounces which would accelerate pay-back.

Yamana has four development projects which are expected to commence production throughout 2012 and 2013 as listed above. All of our development projects are on track as planned and further information will be provided as construction advances and milestones are achieved.


The Company plans to deliver its first mineral reserve estimate at Jeronimo, a project located in Chile, in which the Company holds 57.3%. The mineral reserve estimate was based on the pre-feasibility study that was completed late in the year. The Company intends on continuing to refine the economics of this project by evaluating various processing methods, accounting for potential by-product credits and other optimizations that could positively impact the project. The Company will also look to further consolidate ownership of the project. The feasibility study evaluating these options will be completed at year end.

Agua Rica

The Company continues to increase the value of Agua Rica through simultaneous efforts in advancing the technical merit of the project, developing and working on strategic options including intense discussion with potential strategic partners, and continuing to progress its discussion with the local government with respect to advancing the project from the social license and permitting standpoints. These efforts will only continue to increase the value of Agua Rica.


Production in 2011 is expected to be in the range of 1.04 to 1.14 million GEO, as previously disclosed. Copper production in 2011 is targeted to be in the range of 145-160 million pounds.

Estimated cash costs for 2011 are expected to be below $250 per GEO on a by-product basis.

The Company continues to focus on exploration with a budget of approximately $85 million in 2011. The exploration program will continue to focus on numerous new areas of mineralization discovered in 2010 and on increasing mineral reserves and mineral resources while continuing with its near-mine exploration program and its efforts to look for new opportunities such as on the ground purchases elsewhere in the Americas.

Further details of the 2010 fourth quarter and year end results can be found in the Company's unaudited Management's Discussion and Analysis and unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements at www.yamana.com, in the "Investors" section under "Financial and Corporate Reports".


A conference call and audio webcast is scheduled for February 24, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. E.T. to discuss 2010 fourth quarter and year end results.

Fourth Quarter Conference Call Information:

Toll Free (North America): 1-888-231-8191
International: 1-647-427-7450
Participant Audio Webcast: www.yamana.com

Fourth Quarter Conference Call REPLAY:

Toll Free Replay Call (North America): 800-642-1687, Passcode: 31307574
Replay Call: 416-849-0833, Passcode: 31307574

The conference call replay will be available from 2:45 p.m. ET on February 24, 2011 until 11:59 p.m. ET on March 10, 2011.

For further information on the conference call or audio webcast, please contact the Investor Relations Department or visit our website, www.yamana.com.

Gold Cash
Gold Equivalent Silver costs
Ore Grade Gold Ounces Ounces per
processed g/t Recovery Produced Produced GEO(1)
Total 2010 19,195,578 0.35 62.3 135,613 $(2,073)
Q4, 2010 4,757,679 0.37 64.9 36,965 $(2,863)
Q3, 2010 5,246,202 0.38 63.4 40,405 $(1,856)
Q2, 2010 4,873,077 0.32 60.7 30,450 $(1,583)
Q1, 2010 4,318,621 0.34 60.0 27,794 $(1,876)
Q4, 2009 4,609,853 0.42 67.1 42,216 $(1,468)
Total 2010 2,158,096 1.89 93.2 122,160 $535
---------- --------- ---- ---- ------- ----
Q4, 2010 542,055 2.06 94.1 33,718 $495
Q3, 2010 570,799 1.95 93.8 33,637 $463
Q2, 2010 556,376 1.79 93.0 29,785 $534
Q1, 2010 488,865 1.73 91.9 25,022 $687
Q4, 2009 521,335 1.63 90.9 24,866 $597
Total 2010 1,110,204 2.22 88.6 70,084 $628
Q4, 2010 275,184 2.53 89.4 19,852 $705
Q3, 2010 279,734 2.14 89.0 17,161 $620
Q2, 2010 273,706 2.36 88.2 18,333 $559
Q1, 2010 281,579 1.84 87.3 14,738 $622
Q4, 2009 296,630 2.05 89.6 17,535 $577
El Penon
Total 2010 1,522,366 5.74 91.2 427,934 9,427,208 $428
Q4, 2010 366,424 6.94 91.3 113,800 2,145,809 $421
Q3, 2010 396,209 5.48 90.8 105,212 2,298,731 $461
Q2, 2010 392,223 4.97 92.0 100,485 2,372,380 $449
Q1, 2010 367,509 5.64 90.4 108,437 2,610,289 $384
Q4, 2009 330,631 6.43 90.4 109,979 2,627,893 $382
Minera Florida
Total 2010 779,836 4.41 83.7 105,604 606,071 $416
Q4, 2010 214,859 4.68 84.7 32,048 234,339 $479
Q3, 2010 207,834 4.3 84.2 27,652 182,332 $425
Q2, 2010 204,512 4.27 82.0 25,274 95,249 $370
Q1, 2010 152,631 4.38 84.0 20,630 94,151 $363
Q4, 2009 188,248 4.35 81.6 24,198 178,075 $365
Total 2010 7,528,690 0.82 67.8 135,140 $506
Q4, 2010 1,818,571 0.89 69.5 36,239 $662
Q3, 2010 1,982,929 0.87 57.8 31,972 $480
Q2, 2010 1,940,939 0.85 70.4 37,467 $427
Q1, 2010 1,786,251 0.68 92.6 29,462 $443
Q4, 2009 1,838,012 1.14 87.6 59,118 $290

Copper Ore ore Copper Cash costs
Production processed grade Recovery Copper per pound
(tonnes) (%) Rate(%) production of copper
Total 2010 19,195,578 0.41 86.5 149.4 $1.17
Q4, 2010 4,757,679 0.44 86.2 39.9 $1.20
Q3, 2010 5,246,202 0.43 86.8 42.8 $1.14
Q2, 2010 4,873,077 0.39 87.2 37.0 $1.13
Q1, 2010 4,318,621 0.36 85.5 29.7 $1.24
Q4, 2009 4,609,853 0.42 87.6 37.0 $1.05


The Company has included certain non-GAAP measures including "Co-product cash costs per gold equivalent ounce", "Co-product cash costs per pound of copper", "By-product cash costs per gold equivalent ounce", "Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share", "Cash flows from operations before changes in non-cash working capital" or "Cash flows from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital" and "Gross margin" to supplement its financial statements, which are presented in accordance with Canadian GAAP.

The Company believes that these measures, together with measures determined in accordance with Canadian GAAP, provide investors with an improved ability to evaluate the underlying performance of the Company. Non-GAAP measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under Canadian GAAP, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The data is intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP.


The Company has included cash costs per GEO and cash costs per pound of copper information because it understands that certain investors use this information to determine the Company's ability to generate earnings and cash flows for use in investing and other activities. The Company believes that conventional measures of performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP do not fully illustrate the ability of its operating mines to generate cash flows. The measures are not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flows from operations as determined under Canadian GAAP. Cash costs per GEO are determined in accordance with the Gold Institute's Production Cost Standard and are calculated on a co-product and by-product basis. Cash costs on a co-product basis are computed by allocating operating cash costs separately to metals (gold and copper) based on an estimated or assumed ratio. Cash costs on a by-product basis are computed by deducting copper by-product revenues from the calculation of cash costs of production per GEO. Cash costs per GEO and per pound of copper are calculated on a weighted average basis.

Per Gold Equivalent Ounce ("GEO")

The following tables provide a reconciliation of cost of sales per the financial statements to (i) Co-product Cash Costs per GEO, (ii) Co-product Cash Costs per lb of Copper and (iii) By-product Cash Costs per GEO:

Reconciliation of cost of sales per the financial statements to Co-
product Cash Costs per GEO

GEO In thousands of United States Dollars
United States Dollars per gold equivalent ounce
----------------------------- -----------------------------
For the year
December 31, 2010 2009 2008 2010 2009 2008
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Cost of sales
(i)(iii) $631,063 $479,847 $413,635 $ 633 $ 517 $ 519

Copper contained
in concentrate
related cash
TCRC's)(ii) (149,070) (118,322) (119,156) (150) (127) (149)
Treatment and
refining costs
(TCRC) related
to Chapada
gold 5,583 5,862 5,762 6 6 7
movements and
adjustments (11,781) (18,277) 2,552 (11) (20) 3
costs (26,511) (18,816) (27,304) (27) (20) (34)
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Total GEO
cash costs
Alumbrera) $449,284 $330,294 $275,489 $ 451 $ 356 $ 346
interest) GEO
cash costs 13,043 19,667 26,616 257 372 422
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Total GEO
cash costs
(iii) $462,327 $349,961 $302,105 $ 442 $ 357 $ 352
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Commercial GEO
Alumbrera 996,535 928,097 796,152
Commercial GEO
Alumbrera 1,047,191 980,847 859,202

United States Dollars
GEO In thousands of per gold equivalent
United States Dollars ounce
---------------------- -----------------------
For the three months ended
December 31, 2010 2009 2010 2009
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Cost of sales (i) (iii) $ 178,341 $ 141,696 $ 654 $ 510

Copper contained in
concentrate related cash
costs (excluding related
TCRC's) (ii) (39,979) (33,025) (147) (120)
Treatment and refining
costs (TCRC) related to
Chapada gold 1,681 1,261 6 5
Inventory movements and
adjustments (2,659) (9,404) (10) (34)
Commercial selling costs (7,470) 2,217 (27) 8
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Total GEO co-product cash
costs (excluding
Alumbrera) $ 129,914 $ 102,745 $ 476 $ 369
Minera Alumbrera (12.5%
interest) GEO cash costs 3,431 3,163 244 274
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Total GEO co-product cash
costs (iii) $ 133,345 $ 105,908 $ 465 $ 366
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Commercial GEO produced
excluding Alumbrera 272,621 277,912
Commercial GEO produced
including Alumbrera 286,683 289,456

(i) Cost of sales includes non-cash items including the impact of the
movement in inventory.
(ii) Costs directly attributed to a specific metal are allocated to
that metal. Costs not directly attributed to a specific metal are
allocated based on relative value. As a rule of thumb, the
relative value has been 70-75% copper and 30-25% gold. TCRC's are
defined as treatment and refining charges.
(iii) Depletion, Depreciation and Amortization is excluded from both
total cash costs and cost of sales from continuing operations.

Reconciliation of cost of sales per the financial statements to by-
product cash costs per GEO

GEO In thousands of United States Dollars
United States Dollars per gold equivalent ounce
----------------------------- -----------------------------
For the year
December 31, 2010 2009 2008 2010 2009 2008
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Cost of sales
(i) $631,063 $479,847 $413,635 $ 633 $ 517 $ 520

Chapada treatment
and refining
costs related
to gold and
copper 31,707 30,417 29,035 32 33 36
movements and
adjustments (11,781) (18,277) 2,649 (12) (20) 3
costs (26,511) (18,816) (27,304) (27) (20) (34)
Chapada copper
copper pricing
adjustment (500,728) (315,324) (340,636) (502) (340) (428)
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Total GEO
by-product cash
Alumbrera) $123,750 $157,847 $ 77,379 $ 124 $ 170 $ 97
Minera Alumbrera
(12.5% interest)
by-product cash
costs (71,105) (37,070) (19,168) (1,404) (703) (304)
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Total GEO
by-product cash
costs (i) $ 52,645 $120,777 $ 58,211 $ 50 $ 123 $ 68
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Commercial GEO
Alumbrera 996,535 928,097 796,152
Commercial GEO
Alumbrera 1,047,191 980,847 859,202

United States Dollars
GEO In thousands of per gold equivalent
United States Dollars ounce
---------------------- -----------------------
For the three months ended
December 31, 2010 2009 2010 2009
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Cost of sales (i) $ 178,341 $ 141,696 $ 654 $ 509

Chapada treatment and
refining costs related to
gold and copper 9,495 7,123 35 26
Inventory movements and
adjustments (2,659) (9,404) (10) (34)
Commercial selling costs (7,470) 2,217 (27) 8
Chapada copper revenue
including copper pricing
adjustment (165,556) (110,617) (607) (398)
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Total GEO by-product cash
costs (excluding
Alumbrera) $ 12,151 $ 31,015 $ 45 $ 111
Minera Alumbrera (12.5%
interest) by-product cash
costs (21,881) (19,983) (1,556) (1,731)
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Total GEO by-product cash
costs (i) $ (9,730) $ 11,032 $ (34) $ 38
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Commercial GEO produced
excluding Alumbrera 272,621 277,912
Commercial GEO produced
including Alumbrera 286,683 289,456

(i) Depletion, Depreciation and Amortization is excluded from both total
cash costs and cost of sales from continuing operations.

Reconciliation of cost of sales per the financial statements to co-
product cash costs per pound of copper

Copper In thousands of United States Dollars
United States Dollars per pound of copper
----------------------------- -----------------------------
For the year
December 31, 2010 2009 2008 2010 2009 2008
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Cost of sales
(i) (iii) $631,063 $479,847 $413,635 $ 4.22 $ 3.33 $ 2.97

GEO related
cash costs
TCRC's) (ii) (443,702) (324,433) (269,727) (2.97) (2.25) (1.94)
Treatment and
costs (TCRC)
related to
copper 26,126 24,555 23,273 0.17 0.17 0.17
movements and
adjustments (11,781) (18,277) 2,552 (0.08) (0.13) 0.02
selling costs (26,511) (18,816) (27,304) (0.18) (0.13) (0.20)
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Total Copper
cash costs
Alumbrera) $175,195 $142,876 $142,429 $ 1.16 $ 0.99 $ 1.02
Copper cash
costs 50,017 59,308 72,682 1.29 1.50 1.68
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Total Copper
cash costs
(iii) $225,212 $202,184 $215,111 $ 1.20 $ 1.10 $ 1.17
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Copper produced
(millions of
lbs) 149.4 144.0 139.3
Copper produced
(millions of
lbs) 188.1 183.4 182.5

Copper In thousands of United States Dollars
United States Dollars per pound of copper
---------------------- -----------------------
For the three months ended
December 31, 2010 2009 2010 2009
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Cost of sales (i) (iii) $ 178,341 $ 141,696 $ 4.47 $ 3.83

GEO related cash costs
(excluding related
TCRC's) (ii) (128,232) (101,484) (3.21) (2.75)
Treatment and refining costs
(TCRC) related to Chapada
copper 7,814 5,862 0.20 0.16
Inventory movements and
adjustments (2,659) (9,404) (0.07) (0.25)
Commercial selling costs (7,470) 2,217 (0.19) 0.06
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Total Copper co-product
cash costs (excluding
Alumbrera) $ 47,794 $ 38,887 $ 1.20 $ 1.05
Minera Alumbrera (12.5%
interest) Copper cash
costs 12,654 13,246 1.37 1.23
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Total Copper co-product
cash costs (iii) $ 60,448 $ 52,133 $ 1.23 $ 1.09
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Copper produced excluding
Alumbrera (millions of lbs) 39.9 37.0
Copper produced including
Alumbrera (millions of lbs) 49.2 47.8
(i) Cost of sales includes non-cash items including the impact of the
movement in inventory.
(ii) Costs directly attributed to a specific metal are allocated to
that metal. Costs not directly attributed to a specific metal are
allocated based on relative value. As a rule of thumb, the
relative value has been 70-75% copper and 30-25% gold. TCRC's are
defined as treatment and refining charges.
(iii) Depletion, Depreciation and Amortization is excluded from both
total cash costs and cost of sales from continuing operations.


The Company uses the financial measures "Adjusted Earnings or Loss" and "Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share" to supplement information in its consolidated financial statements. The Company believes that in addition to conventional measures prepared in accordance with GAAP, the Company and certain investors and analysts use this information to evaluate the Company's performance. The presentation of adjusted measures are not meant to be a substitute for net earnings or loss or net earnings or loss per share presented in accordance with GAAP, but rather should be evaluated in conjunction with such GAAP measures. Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share are calculated as net earnings excluding (a) stock-based compensation, (b) foreign exchange (gains) losses, (c) unrealized (gains) losses on commodity derivatives, (d) impairment losses, (e) future income tax expense (recovery) on the translation of foreign currency inter-corporate debt, (f) write-down of investments and other assets and any other non-recurring adjustments. Non-recurring adjustments from unusual events or circumstances, such as the unprecedented volatility of copper prices in the fourth quarter of 2008, are reviewed from time to time based on materiality and the nature of the event or circumstance. Earnings adjustments reflect both continuing and discontinued operations.

The terms "Adjusted Earnings (Loss)" and "Adjusted Earnings (Loss) per share" do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian GAAP, and therefore the Company's definitions are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Management believes that the presentation of Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share provide useful information to investors because they exclude non-cash and other charges and are a better indication of the Company's profitability from operations. The items excluded from the computation of Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share, which are otherwise included in the determination of net earnings or loss and net earnings or loss per share prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP, are items that the Company does not consider to be meaningful in evaluating the Company's past financial performance or the future prospects and may hinder a comparison of its period-to-period profitability. A reconciliation of Adjusted earnings to net earnings is shown below.

Fourth Fourth
(In thousands of Quarter Quarter
United States Dollars) 2010 2009 2010 2009

Net earnings 160,433 $ 36,175 451,444 $ 192,631

Earnings Adjustments (i):
Non-cash unrealized foreign
exchange losses (gains) 3,974 20,314 (32,614) (36,672)
Non-cash unrealized losses
(gains) on derivatives 506 9,666 (1,948) 112,519
Non-recurring future income
tax adjustments - 15,234 3,173 35,826
Write off of mineral
interests and other assets 4,272 8,301 10,017 8,301
Stock-based and other
compensation 3,339 15,380 19,571 23,275
Future income tax expense
on transaction of
intercompany debt 1,751 1,613 3,680 51,578
Adjusted Earnings before
income tax effects 174,275 106,683 453,323 387,458
Income tax effect of
adjustments (975) (5,820) (2,132) (41,327)
Adjusted Earnings (i) 173,300 $ 100,863 451,191 346,131

Basic earnings per share
from continuing operations 0.22 0.05 0.59 $ 0.29
Basic earnings per share 0.22 0.05 0.61 $ 0.26
Adjusted Earnings per
share (i) 0.23 0.14 0.61 $ 0.47

(i) A cautionary note regarding non-GAAP measures is included above on
Page 9 of this press release on Adjusted Earnings and its definition.
Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share are
calculated as net earnings excluding (a) stock-based compensation,
(b) foreign exchange (gains) losses, (c) unrealized (gains) losses on
commodity derivative, (d) impairment losses, (e) future income tax
expense (recovery) on the translation of foreign currency inter-
corporate debt, (f) write-down of investments and other assets and
any other non-recurring adjustments. Non-recurring adjustments from
unusual events or circumstances are reviewed from time to time based
on materiality and the nature of the event or circumstance. Earnings
adjustments reflect both continuing and discontinued operations.


The Company uses the financial measure "cash flows from operations before changes in non-cash working capital" or "cash flows from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital" to supplement its consolidated financial statements. The presentation of cash flows from operations before changes in non-cash working capital is not meant to be a substitute for cash flows from operations or cash flows from operating activities presented in accordance with Canadian GAAP, but rather should be evaluated in conjunction with such Canadian GAAP measures. Cash flows from operations before changes in non-cash working capital excludes the non-cash movement from period-to-period in working capital items including accounts receivable, advances and deposits, inventory, accounts payable and accrued liabilities.

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