Welcome To The Cytomedix HUB On AGORACOM

A New Concept In Wound Care

Message: Re: from another investor on another board with good info

WOW! Stroke is serious and hopefully 2014 and beyond will bring significant changes. Cytomedix is on the forefront in this battle.

The ALDH study result may document the broad angiogenic potential of ALDHbr
cells from human bone marrow. These cells expressed angiogenic
genes encoding soluble growth factors, regulatory molecules, and
ECM molecules, and soluble factors released from these protected
endothelial tubules from damage from hypoxia. In addition, ALDHbr
cells engaged in cross-signaling with endothelial cells, responding
to soluble molecules produced by endothelial cells by changing
expression of a specific set of genes encoding angiogenic factors. Gene
expression studies showed that ALDHbr cells strongly expressed
genes for several receptors of cytokines produced by endothelial cells.
Furthermore, these studies showed that such paracrine signaling is
not the only possible mechanism by which ALDHbr cells may interact
with endothelium in the ischemic tissues, for ALDHbr cells strongly
expressed molecules involved in ephrin signaling. The angiogenic
factors that are differentially expressed in ALDHbr cells and ALDHdim
cells and that are upregulated in response to hypoxia and soluble
products from endothelial are candidates for further work detailing the
multiple mechanisms by which ALDHbr cells participate in formation
of new blood vessels, increase tissue perfusion, and repair ischemic
damage in patients with cardiovascular disease. Which can mean very good fortune to Cytomedix

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