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A New Concept In Wound Care

Message: from the same guy. seems to have uncovered a potentially huge diamond in the

Another one

Here is another one...... Dr. Dileep is running the ALD-401 stroke trial at the University of Miami.


Check out this video


Each year 700 thousand people suffer a stroke in the United States. Until now, the only recovery for paralysis brought on by the stroke was lengthy rehabilitation. Now, a new stem cell therapy is helping stroke patients move again.

James Anderson is a tri-athlete and physical education teacher. He was visiting Florida from Maine when suddenly, “I started to feel a little dizzy a little tingling in my right hand and ah I ended up having a stroke,” James Anderson told Ivanhoe.

James did not respond to clot busting medication or blockage treatments. So he became paralyzed on the left side of his body. Neurologist Doctor Dileep R. Yavatal treated him as part of a clinical trial, where some of the patients were treated with their own stem cells. While Anderson doesn’t know if he was injected with his own stem cells, two months after treatment, Anderson said, "I have had more movement and strength in my legs."

For the clinical trial, stem cells must be injected into the brain no later than two weeks after the stroke occurs. James is now able to move around with a walker, during rehab, and hopes to be able to compete in a triathalon again.
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