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Message: The Future is Now!

Feb 12, 2008 06:25AM

Feb 12, 2008 09:18AM

Thanks Bruce the Moose.

Word is cheap I know but my intimate conviction here is that owning this kind of company at this level of the game is just plain steal.

We are not mainstream yet and as you rightly point out,once we become an SEC 1934 Act  of Full Disclosure company,the world market will propulse our motors to great heights and we will have our name on a shiny board.

I have always trusted my instinct when investing and it has served me very well over the years.

I just arrived from DC and will take a rest tonight in Seoul before spending the weekend in HongKong.

I coudn't help but think about Dakshidin during the flight. If Nick Laroche and Richard Sultz play their cards right, they could set this company up to become a large player say 3 to 5 years from now by continuing product development. I think they have several new products in the pipeline ( Flash purification )and I am really interested in the Darius type windmill  -a monster of efficiency -.

I heard a scientist on National Public Radio whilst driving to the airport say that the market in the USA for alternative energies will grow to over 1 trillion dollars within the coming decade.

On a Worldwide scale it is a staggering number. Oil at $200/barrel is coming....and pushing all those technologies at the forefront,boosted also by carbon reduction targets of the Kyoto Protocol. 

Just in my backyard in Corsica,they are building a 12 Megawatt/hour solar field (70 acres) that will provide a reliable source of energy to 30,000 people at a cost of about US $ 80 million. We also have a windmill bank of similar size out at sea and I spoke to the local Mayor about Dakshidin's water pumping capabilities and I may very well end up as Head Project Manager for a pre-feasability study to install these windmills in our valley . Water on our island is not well managed and we always have summer restrictions so Dakshidin's pumps could very well be the long term solution.

.....The future is Now!

Feb 29, 2008 04:47AM
Feb 29, 2008 06:34AM

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