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Message: hype?

But...Dakshidin is no pig and doesn't need any lipstick.

I think that the market expectation has now changed in light of the latest press release.

The debate about whether Starjets is Loopy the Loop or the Fanthom of the Opera and the Lawman is the Great Houdini or Gemini Cricket should now be over.


Dakshidin now has commissioned a serious PR firm.

And for those of you not familiar with offshore banking and who think that the Bahamas is some suburb of Costa Rica and is a place full of corporate thieves living under the Cosa Nostra well let me tell you that you are nowhere close to reality.

So,let's elevate this conversation to a point of logic : We have a great product,a huge market to sell to,a management that is gaining credibility by the day and a company that is making good progress in order to excecute its business plan.

We also have long term investors , wanna-be-but-can't-decide people and hit and run types. For the last two categories,I say this : you are free to choose your conduct-and I don't care if you stay on the sideline till the share price goes to 2 cents or if you buy and sell one nanosecond later for a profit but please do so in earnest,that is ,always with honesty in mind.

Forward-Looking Statements :

The above Starjets release contains forward-looking statements which reflect the Dakshidin''s current expectations regarding future events. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those projected herein. Starjets disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Starjets assumes no responsibility for the content or
accuracy of the above release and forbids anyone to make an investment based on the above release.

PS : 1. No I did not sue jparkerO ( Lawman chuckling...). jparkerO is a poor student who made a bad investment and tries to vent his anger around the web by mixing things around. In the end,i felt more compassion towards him as I realised that his image had lost credibility.

2. Don't think of me as your balanced moderator anymore but as someone with probably one of the largest interest in Dakshidin on the private side and hell bent on hoping that this company will shine.

If you want to take the sp down,be my guest : I will swallow them up as they come!


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