As long as the Market Faking Mongoloids keep screwing with ATDS and fail to perform their actual job, which is to make a fair, orderly, efficient market with liquidity, then we are not going to make much headway. What they have created is an artificial, sub penny, paltry day trading scam market to benefit themselves, at the expense of ATDS which is now grossly undervalued and oversold. Data443 is now so MUCH stronger then they were two months ago when the yearly low was around .0095, but now the yearly low is .0059 and keeps dropping??? Do these POS MM's expect Data443 to find the cure for cancer??? These overpaid MM scammers need their licenses revoked! BTW, corrupt MM scammers in the past have severely damaged many small companies trading on the Pink Market. They get away with a lot of illegal activities since they are difficult to prove, unless they are closely monitored by the SEC, which is incredibly rare.